Chapter 10 - Luca's POV

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I wait a few minutes after Victoria gets in the shower before I leave the room. I stop the first maid I see. Her cheeks burn a bright red and she pushes her breasts further out.

"How can I help you sir?" She asks while fluttering her eyelashes.

"I want supper prepared in twenty minutes in the parlor," I tell her.

"Anything you need sir," she replies before walking away slowly.

This is exactly why I chose not to employ young maids in New York. They just can't keep it in their pants. I don't have the patience for employees who flirt with me. And now that I have Victoria, I want them around even less. Maybe I'll talk Enzo into releasing them from staff.

Dio, I'd do anything for that girl. She is perfect in every sense of the word. I call her my little angel because that is exactly what she is. She is the light to my dark.

I'm sure she's heard stories, but she has no idea the kind of man I am. I'll admit it, I can become consumed with bloodlust. I have been known to go on violent, murderous rages.

But she makes me want to change, she makes me want to be better. So that I can truly be worthy of her.

I'm somewhere between blessed and pissed that she fell into my life. She should never have been involved with any of this in the first place. But now that she's with me, I can protect her. That's the only thing that matters right now.

I'd set the whole fucking world on fire if it meant keeping Victoria safe.

The office here is almost identical to the one in New York. Enzo and Gio sit in front of the large mahogany desk and I take my rightful seat behind it.

"So the Russians are at it again," Enzo says carefully.

"They attacked the compound in New York," I tell him.

"It's not destroyed," Gio adds, "although the third and fourth floors need to be redone."

I nod, "hire contractors today."

"I have men running the CCTV tapes and checking entry logs," Gio informs me.

"We are looking into phone records and financials," Enzo adds, "this was obviously a talpa."

"Start with the Ricci's," I tell him.


Marco Ricci owes me a lot of money. I'm talking more than a million dollars. After the first collection, he ran to the Russians to front him money. He broke omertà. He broke the code of silence. He went right into the wolves den and fed us to them.

I should have killed him when I first found out.

I will kill him.

And his fucking bastardo father.

"Hey," Enzo says softly as he waves his hand in front of my face, "you went dark for a second there."

"We're going to war with the Russians," I inform them, "full scale war."

"I'll get the soldiers ready," Gio nods curtly.

"I want each man fully equipped. At least five safe houses must be established in addition to a secondary base," I demand.

"Don't you think you're moving a bit fast?" Enzo asks, ever the cautious one.

"Confirm the identity of the fucking rat," I order as I stand.

"Where are you going?" Enzo asks as he stands as well.

"I'm hungry," I tell him simply.

I make my way back to my room and knock twice before entering. Victoria is fast asleep in the large bed. Her hair fans out across the pillow and her pouty lips are in a content smile. She's so perfect.

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