Chapter 38

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The dining room is almost deafening this morning. All of Luca's men are talking loudly and laughing. Luca's firm hand on the small of my back guides me through the room to our usual seats.

Antonio has Elle on his lap who is eating pancakes. Luca pulls out my chair and I sit down.

"Your girlfriend is annoying," Gio grumbles as he plants himself in his seat.

"Scusami?" Luca asks with furrowed brows. I place my hand on his leg under the table and he shifts his gaze back to me.

"It's okay," I smile at Luca before turning to Gio, "I'm sorry about yesterday I was just-"

"You were worried I know," Gio interjects.

"What did you do to him?" Antonio asks with wide eyes.

"She made me watch Grey's Anatomy for hours," Gio replies as he pours himself a mug of coffee.

"That's torture!" Antonio gasps.

Elle stops eating and looks up at him with a fist full of pancake. I can't help but laugh. Luca takes my hand on his leg and interlaces our fingers.

"What happens now?" I ask him.

"We go back to business as usual," he shrugs before taking a sip of coffee.

"With way less competition," Gio points out and Luca hums in agreement.

"We should take a vacation," Antonio muses.

"We could go to that place in the Caymans," Gio suggests with a mouthful of food.

"Let's get our affairs in order first," Luca tells them.

Both men groan but don't push the subject further. Luca fills my plate with pancakes and fruit before putting it back down in front of me.

"Do I still need to be guarded?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Yes," he says simply.

"What? Why?" I ask.

"You still don't get it do you?" he asks. I shake my head no and he chuckles.

"You are the only way that any of my enemies could hurt me," he says before leaning close to my ear, "sei la mia debolezza."
(You are my weakness)

My cheeks flush red and I turn away from him. My lips tilt into a smile and I pour myself some orange juice. Luca sits back with a self satisfied grin and I roll my eyes at him.

"I have to work a bit today but I was able to find a nanny so you can do whatever it is you'd like," Luca says.

"I want to meet the nanny before I just leave Elle for the day," I reply, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Her name is Nonna Alice," Luca says.

"No fucking way!" Antonio exclaims, "that woman practically raised us."

Luca chuckles and nods, adding, "apparently she was living at the castle to help Maria with Elle."

"I still want to meet her," I reply, even though I'm smiling.

"Whatever you want mamma orso," Luca replies.
(Mama bear)

I playfully glare at him before going back to eating. A young foot soldier shuffles over to Luca and whispers in his ear. Luca nods and the boy disappears. Luca gives me a small smile before standing. The room goes silent as he takes everyone's undivided attention.

"I commend you all for your hard work these past few weeks. I would like to confirm that the war with the Russians is over," he announces.

The room explodes in cheers and high fives until Luca raises one hand and the room goes quiet again.

"It's time to get back to business. You are to return to your former posts and train any new recruits that get assigned to work with you. We will have a service for our fallen men at the end of the week," he says, his voice booming.

He sits back down and his men resume their excited chatter. Luca looks down at me with a small smile.

"I can bring you to meet Alice," he says, "I will see you for dinner tonight."

"And my new guard?" I ask with raised brows.

He sighs and shakes his head, "I was thinking about one of the newer men. You can teach him how you expect him to behave."

"Like training a puppy?" I remark with a grin.

"Sí," he chuckles, "a puppy with a gun."

"Oh!" Antonio chirps, "take Rocco. He's one of mine."

Antonio stands from the table with Elle propped on his hip. He looks around the room with furrowed brows.

"Rocco," he calls out.

Within seconds a young soldier stands in front of him. Antonio claps him on the shoulder with a grin before turning back to us.

"Well?" he asks, gesturing to the young man.

Luca looks at me for the answer. I simply nod and Luca turns towards the men.

"Be in the nursery in an hour," Luca instructs.

Rocco nods once before saying, "thank you sir."

"They're so eager when they're new," Gio remarks and I laugh.

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