Chapter 16

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Third POV - TW: violence

~20 Years Ago~

Valentina DiSilva holds her youngest son close to her chest. He was an accident; one she considered happy but her husband thought otherwise. The sun shines brightly on the family and she smiles at her son.

Little Enzo wears the same christening gown that everyone in the family has worn for generations. Small beaded details surround the DiSilva family crest that is perfectly sewn on to the ivory silk.

Giuseppe DiSilva pulls his eldest son aside as their extended family is spread across the stairs of the church in excited conversations.

"This will be your first test," Giuseppe tells his sixteen year old son.

"What do I have to do?" Luca asks him.

"It's simple really," his father said before gesturing to their family, "don't let anyone die."

Luca nods curtly with his brows furrowed in concentration. His hand rests on the pistol strapped to his hip as his eyes scan the area.

"What are you doing?" Antonio asks his brother.

"Keeping watch," Luca tells him.

"For what?" Antonio pushes it further. His favorite hobby is bothering his big brother after all.

"I don't know," Luca replies dismissively.

"Then how do you know what to look for?" Antonio asks.

Luca finally glances at his younger brother. Barely a year separates them but they could not be more different. Where Luca is protective and passionate, Antonio is reckless and apathetic. Luca takes the time to maintain a well groomed appearance, Antonio will wear the same wrinkled and dirty outfit for a week.

"I'll know when I see it," Luca informs him.

He looks over his brother's shoulder to find their mother among the swarm of people.

Valentina passes the sleeping Enzo into her mother-in-law's arms. The two women stand close to fawn over the latest addition to the family.

It's a beautiful day. The sun is bright in the sky but a soft breeze passes through. The whole family had gathered for the first time in years and there is a lot of catching up to do. Everyone wears a smile, except of course Giuseppe.

The unmistakable sound of gunshots ring in the air. Bodies drop fast and guns are pulled even faster.

Luca assumes his stance mostly behind a car and begins to fire back. His father's men join in the fight.

Antonio, a boy who was never supposed to get involved with this life, runs over to his mother and grandmother who now lay on the steps of the church. A screaming Enzo is still held by their grandmother.

Dark red blood drips down the stairs and soaks through Valentina's pale blue dress. Antonio drops to his knees next to her with tears streaming down his face.

"Mama," he calls as he shakes her, "mama wake up. You're okay, just wake up!"

"Antonio!" Luca's scream can be heard above all the chaos. Antonio looks towards his brother and opens his mouth to respond but pauses upon seeing another body.

Giuseppe lays face down, mere inches away from where Luca is crouched. He too is swimming in a pool of his own blood. Antonio knows he's truly dead because his gun has dropped from his hand.

"Get Enzo out of here!" Luca yells over his shoulder.

Antonio grabs Enzo and takes off down the alleyways. He tries to calm the infant while trying to calm himself. He leans against a brick wall and takes in deep breaths while clutching his brother as close to his chest as possible.

The gunfire ceases and Luca stands fully to assess the damage. It seems like almost everyone got hit. His grandmother, mother, and father are all dead. Most of his aunts, uncles and cousins too. There is so much blood that the marble steps are stained red.

Luca's heart stops beating. He was tasked with keeping them alive. That was his job.

He had failed.

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