Chapter 29

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The dining room feels extra full as I make my way through the talking men. I find my seat next to a scowling Luca. The only thing he does to acknowledge I've sat down is placing his hand on my knee under the table.

"What's wrong?" I ask him with furrowed brows.

I woke up to an empty bed again this morning but I chalked it up to him being injured. He doesn't look like he just got shot though.

He's donning a perfect suit with his hair styled as always as if it's all business as usual. Maybe it is for him. But his face is screwed into an expression I can't quite figure out and his anger is practically tangible.

"Mangia la colazione," he replies as he glances at me briefly.
(Eat your breakfast)

I shift my gaze to Antonio who awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. His eyes lock in on my neck and I raise my hand to the necklace. He's probably going to be livid, I should have remembered to take it off last night.

"That looks good on you," Antonio says with a small smile, "I'm glad you're the one to wear it."

"Thanks," I reply simply. I look back up at Luca who is stuck in his thoughts. His brows are furrowed as he just stares at the far wall.

"It's just business stuff," Gio finally offers a sliver of an explanation for Luca's change in demeanor.

"Luca," I whisper as I place my hand on top of his. He looks down at me fully as if my touch snapped him out of his trance.

"I'm sorry angelo," he says, "I have a lot to figure out right now."

I nod, knowing I'm not going to get any information out of him. Whatever is going on is big and I'm glad he's working it out. But he looks fucking miserable.

I mean he did just get shot by the Russians but still. He wasn't even this cold when they blew up the compound.

"I need some stuff to fix up the nursery," I tell him.

"Like what?" He asks.

"Paint, bedding, art," I name off the top of my head.

"You want to paint the nursery?" he asks with raised brows.

"Is that okay?" I ask. Maybe that was pushing it.

"Of course angelo. Just know that hiring painters is no issue," he replies.

"I want to do it myself," I shrug, "plus I can make your goons help me."

His lips tilt in the slightest excuse for a smile, "qualsiasi cosa ti renda felice amore mio."
(Whatever makes you happy my love)

"Meriti anche di essere felice," I say just loud enough for him to hear.
(You deserve to be happy too)

He takes a deep breath before responding, "sei il mia felicità."
(You are my happiness)

"Why do you always do that?" I sigh.

"Do what?" he asks before taking a sip of coffee.

"Say cheesy things when I'm trying to be serious," I reply.

"It's not cheesy if what I say is true," he counters.

I glare at him as my cheeks flush. There he goes again, making my heart beat faster and my stomach to have butterflies. How could he possibly mean all of the nice words he says to me?

"I will be busy today with work," he says, "I won't see be able to check in on you but if you need anything just ask."

"Will you be safe?" I ask.

"I'm not even leaving the building," he assures me, "I will see you before you go to bed, I promise."

"Okay," I nod, my mind slightly at ease.

"I will have to assign someone else to guard you as well," he says, "Gio is needed with me today."

"Who's the lucky guy?" I ask.

Luca's grip on my leg tightens slightly, "Mike."

"At least he's polite," I shrug, "is it so he can watch both Elle and I?"

"Sì," he confirms, "I figured you'd probably be spending time with her anyway. If you changed your mind I can pick someone else."

"No," I shake my head, "I want to care for her and Mike isn't too bad."

Luca kisses my cheek before standing from the table. Gio and Antonio rise as well and leave the room.

"I will see you later il mio piccolo angelo," he says before placing a kiss on the crown of my head and walking away.

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