Please Read

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I didn't think I would have to make an update like this but unfortunately I do.

Negativity has no place in my works. Being downright mean and disrespectful towards me, my works, or other readers is unacceptable behavior.

You ALWAYS have the choice to stop reading the book and move on.

But you do not have the right to ruin the experience for other readers. I should not have to monitor my comments section and get private messages from readers due to this behavior.

This is not something I tolerate. I have no qualms about muting and reporting users.

Just like we all learned in elementary school: if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

(This does not pertain to constructive criticism or reactions to the story. This is about trash talking my works and my abilities as an author, and criticizing other readers for their opinions.)

P.S. Victoria deals with her trauma in her own way. This may not reflect your personal experiences or what you think trauma response is or has to be. Please be kind as the trauma response she has is valid. And do try to remember she is a character in a story.

Thank you to everyone who has been supportive and loving! I adore reading your comments/reactions and look forward to seeing more.

Please be kind.


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