Chapter 50

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Luca saunters over, shaking the ocean water out of his hair. Drops of salt water race down the defined muscles that make up his chest and abdomen making him glisten.

I sit up on my elbows and squint up at him. Luca stands to block the sun's path and drips water onto me.

"Come in the water," he demands.

"But it's so nice to just tan," I sigh, closing the novel I was reading and placing it next to me.

"Don't make me throw you," he threatens with a smirk.

I gasp, "you wouldn't."

Luca leans down and scoops me into his arms. I squeal and try to swat at his arms. He pays me no mind as he approaches the edge of the boat.

"Hold your breath," he instructs.

Before I can say anything he jumps. I'm plunged into the cold water and come up for air laughing. Luca treads water right in front of me with a huge smile on his face.

He holds his hands out and I swim closer, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He kisses me softly, his lips tasting like the salty water.

"You see the beach right there?" he asks, gesturing to the white sand surrounded by cliffs.

I turn to look at the empty beach before nodding.

"It's ours," he says.

"Well yeah," I reply with a laugh, "no one else is here."

"No angelo," he shakes his head, "it's ours. We own it."

"You bought a beach?" I exclaim.

"It was a wedding gift from a friend," he replies, grinning.

"Oh yeah? Same friend that owns the hotel?" I ask before pressing a quick kiss to his lips.

"Yes, actually," he nods, "he owns the yacht as well."

"Sounds rich," I muse, "you should introduce us."

"Don't even fucking joke," he growls, tightening his hold on me.

I laugh and wiggle out of his grip. I swim over to the ladder and climb back onto the boat. I wring out my hair as I walk, grabbing a towel from a lounge chair.

"Where are you going?" Luca calls out after me.

"I want to go see our beach," I reply over my shoulder.

Crew members move around inside the ship and I weave my way through them to the bedroom. I leave the door open, knowing Luca isn't far behind, and go into the closet.

Just like he said, Luca has an array of brand new clothes waiting for both of us. I'm happy to find he bought casual clothes for himself, it would just be weird for him to wear suits here.

"Captain is heading to the dock now," Luca says as he walks in the room.

I grab a fresh swimsuit and a simple dress before turning to go into the bedroom. Luca is leaning against the doorframe with his arms folded. I push up on my toes to gently press my lips against his.

I pull back and side step around him into the room. I pull off the wet bikini and toss it into the hamper before grabbing the towel and drying myself off.

"You can't do this to me," Luca says, his voice low and dark.

"Do what?" I ask, turning to look at him over my shoulder.

"Walk around naked," he replies, placing his hands on my hips, "we'll never leave the bed."

"But we have our very own beach," I reply.

Luca places delicate kisses along my neck, following the dips and curve of my skin. His touch seemingly brings my body to life, heat spreading throughout, and I tilt my head to give him more access.

"We're here," he whispers against my skin.

I open my eyes, unsure of when I even closed them, and look out the large windows. Crew members are tying the yacht to the dock and the beach somehow looks even more magical.

Luca releases me and I quickly get dressed. He steps into the closet and comes back out in a fresh swimsuit and a button down. He cups my face, his fingers tangling in my hair, and kisses me gently.

"C'mon," he says breathily as he pulls back, placing his hand on my lower back.

He leads me to the deck where the Captain patiently waits. Luca shakes the man's hand and descends the steps of the boat to the deck. He offers me his hand and I take it before climbing down as well.

His hand returns to the small of my back and guides me down the dock until the wood turns into sand under my feet. As we get closer I'm able to make out a small picnic.

"Did you do that?" I ask, looking up at him and pointing to the set up.

"I figured you'd want to come over here sooner or later," he shrugs.

"You're so cute," I reply before I kiss his cheek.

"I'm not cute," he grumbles although he's grinning.

"Yes you are," I reply.

I take a seat on the soft sand and tilt my head back to face the sky. The sun warms my skin and I listen to Luca shuffle around with the basket. The pop of a wine cork makes me open my eyes to look at him.

Luca has set an array of fruits, pastries and cheeses laid out with two glasses of wine in his hands. He offers one to me and I gladly accept before taking a sip.

"If you could be anything, what would you be?" Luca muses, his eyes on the water as he pops a grape in his mouth.

"What? I'd be your wife," I reply simply, laughing at the absurdity of it.

"No," he shakes his head and looks at me, "besides being my wife. Would you ever want to work?"

"I don't know," I reply, furrowing my brows.

It's true, I don't. I never made long term plans before I met Luca. And since I've been with him, the thought of a career never crossed my mind. It would be nice to have money that is truly mine but I don't even know what I would do.

"I'm not sure what I would do," I say, "I never really thought about it."

"If you ever decide you do want to work, I won't hold you back. I need you to know that," he says, "there is nothing in this world that is off limits for you."

"I'm content with just being your wife," I tell him.

He leans back and hums, taking a sip of his wine. He focuses his gaze back on the water and I do the same. He takes my hand and interlaces our fingers, running his thumb over my rings almost as if he's making sure they're still there.

"Race you to the water," I whisper in his ear.

I jump to my feet and start running towards the ocean. Luca is a few paces behind me and I pull off my dress as I go, tossing it in the sand. As I dip my toe in the water, Luca wraps his arms around me from behind and lifts me into the air.

He places me back on my feet and I turn to glare up at him. He smirks, his hands on my waist, before I'm in the air again. He tosses me into the water and I come to the surface smiling.

Luca wades in until I'm able to wrap my arms around his neck and hold him close. He kisses my forehead and I lean my cheek against his chest. He has this intoxicating smell of salt water and tanning oil and just, well, him.

Luca pulls back and I look up into his sky blue eyes. He kisses my forehead and I smile to myself, closing my eyes. He peppers kisses across my cheeks and down my nose before pressing his lips to mine.

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