Chapter 55 - Epilogue

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~5 Years Later~

I knock twice on the large oak door before pushing into the office. Luca is behind his desk typing away at his laptop. He lifts his head when I walk in and smiles at me.

"Come here," he says as he extends his arm towards me.

I cross the room and he pulls me onto his lap, his arm wrapping around my waist to settle his hand on my thigh. He grasps my chin and tilts my head up before pressing his lips to mine gently.

He pulls away and I lean my head on his shoulder. The laughter and yelling of our children travels through the open balcony door to surround us.

"I can't believe Elle starts school tomorrow," I sigh.

"She's growing up so fast," he replies, "sono tutti."
(They all are)

"I just want them to stay small forever," I say.

"I know mio amore," he chuckles, "that's why we keep having more."

I stand from his lap and walk out onto the balcony. Luca joins me, his hand finding the small of my back, and we look out at the yard.

I was full of shit when I said he wasn't going to get me pregnant again. And now we have the most beautiful family.

Elle and Catarina chase one another, each sporting a pair of sparkling fairy wings. Enzo is kicking a soccer ball around with Gabriella, although he's doing most of the kicking. Alice sits under a tree, watching our oldest while cradling Sofia.

"They're so cute," I say, "I can't believe we made them sometimes."

"You did all the hard work il mio angelo," he replies before kissing the top of my head.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Caterina calls out, waving frantically up at us.

I smile and wave back before looking up at Luca. He's already smiling down at me when I turn to face him and he leans down to press a soft kiss to my lips.

I look back to the yard and they're all gone. A fact that used to send utter panic through me; but now I know to expect the pitter patter of tiny feet racing up the stairs.

Our small tribe of kids rush into the office. Enzo runs straight to me and wraps his arms around my leg. I stroke down his hair as Elle and Caterina rush over as well. Luca scoops Gabriella into his arms and I crouch down.

"I got a booboo," Enzo says, pointing to his knee.

I kiss his knee and smile, "all better?"

He nods furiously and smiles.

"Mommy, did you have to wear a uniform when you went to school?" Elle asks.

I glance up at Luca before replying, "Mommy never went to school. You're a very lucky little girl that you get to go to school."

"But the skirts are itchy," she whines in response.

"No whining," Luca says sternly.

"I'm sure it's just because they're still brand new," I assure her.

"Will I wear a uniform too?" Caterina asks, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"You all will," I inform her.

"Let's go have lunch," Luca suggests, taking Enzo's hand in his with Gabriella in his other arm.

I stand and the girls race ahead down the stairs. Enzo pulls from Luca to do the same. Luca's hand rests on the small of my back as we follow behind them. Their normal chatter becomes louder and more excited and I furrow my brow.

In the dining room, Rosa and Gio are surrounded by our children. Rosa has baby Julian in her arms and the kids are practically climbing on top of each other to look.

"Leave your cousin alone," Luca scolds them as we get closer, "you have a baby sister just upstairs."

"Sofia's boring," Enzo retorts, "plus Julian is a boy. I wish Sofia was a boy and not another boring sister."

I look up at Luca for help and he gently places Gabriella down. He strides over and grabs Enzo's ear, tugging him away.

"You are never to be mean to your sisters like that," Luca tells him, "your job to to protect them from mean men, not become one."

Enzo nods in understanding and wraps his arms around Luca's neck. Luca kisses his cheek before returning to my side.

"He's trouble," Luca says with a smile.

"Like you," I remind him.

He glares at me playfully and cups my cheek. He kisses me softly and our lips mould to one another. A chorus of "ew" coming from the kids causes us to laugh and pull away.

"I love you Luca," I smile up at him.

"I love you il mio angelo," he smiles back.

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