Chapter 31

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What the fuck happened?

My head is pounding and I open my eyes slowly only to remain engulfed in darkness. I move to rub my eyes but can't. My wrists are tied down and I try to move my legs but my ankles are tied as well.

And then I remember. Mike getting shot. The tight arm around my throat. The sour cloth pressed to my face.


The blindfold is yanked off and I squint at the brightness of the room. Three men stand in front of me and I am appalled by the presence of one. Richard Mancinelli.

"Good. You're awake," one of the men smiles with a thick accent.

A Russian accent. Fuck.

"Let me go," I demand as I pull at the ropes.

"You've grown up quite a bit since I last saw you," Richard says as he moves closer to me.

He grabs my cheeks roughly with one hand and leans close so our noses practically touch, "I could use a sweet, young thing like you."

Spittle sprays on my face as he speaks and when he lets go I gag. He smacks me across the face and I don't make a fucking sound.

I know this game. I was raised by this game. They'll beat the shit out of me in search of either yells of pain or information. But I'm a fucking professional at getting beat, I'm not giving them the satisfaction.

"What's DiSilva planning?" the third man asks, pushing past Richard. He must be in charge.

I don't respond, only glare back at him. His round stomach jiggles as he chuckles. Without warning he punches my cheek. My head moves from the force but I don't make a sound.

"I know you're his little whore," the man seethes, "so tell me what he's fucking planning."

I just stare at him. He slaps me and this strike leaves the taste of blood in my mouth. I simply spit the bloodied saliva on his shoes.

"Just fucking kill her Alexei," Richard shouts.

"Do you know why you're here?" Alexei asks as he takes a handful of my hair and raises it to his face to smell.

When I don't respond, he punches me again. Richard, apparently impatient, lunges for my throat. His hand wraps tight enough that my vision is spotted with black. When he releases me I take in a gulp of air.

"You ruined Chris' life," he says, "if it wasn't for you being a fucking whore, he would have never gotten involved in this world. He would be off at college right now but instead he's a fucking grunt for your boyfriend."

"Chris wouldn't have anything to do with this," I scoff as I look at the three men.

"How do you think we got you here?" Richard chuckles.

I stare back at him. The only friend I've ever had, hand delivered me to the Russians and for what? Petty revenge from when we were teenagers? I guess I really was disposable to the men in my life.

"More importantly," Alexei says, "you're important to Luciano. He'll come looking for his girls soon enough."

Girls? Fuck.

"Where is she?" I yell, desperately pulling against the restraints, any semblance of self preservation gone.

"Who?" Alexei asks with a smug grin.

"She's a fucking child, you psychopath!" I exclaim, "she has nothing to do with any of this!"

"Don't fret. My wife is taking care of the child. Isabelle is her name, right? The only daughter of the youngest DiSilva boy," Alexei replies.

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