Chapter 44

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Luca decided that we should have dinner in his library tonight. We typically share our meals with his men and I appreciate the privacy.

We sit in the lush arm chairs near the window with our meal on the table between us. I take a sip of my water as Luca wipes the edge of his lips.

"Jesus fuck!" Gio exclaims as he bursts through the door, storming towards Luca, "why do you never fucking listen to me?"

"What is it now?" Luca asks, rolling his eyes.

"The fucking lawyer is here," he replies, "you need to get your ass in that office."

Luca nods and quickly stands, placing his napkin on the table. I do the same and follow him out of the room.

"Be polite and remember to not threaten anyone," Gio says harshly.

Luca glances down at me with a bored look before wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me close. He continues towards his office completely ignoring Gio.

"Please listen to him," I say quietly, right outside the door to his office, "I don't want to mess this up."

"This is just a formality," he assures me.

He gently grasps my chin and tilts my face up to meet his eye. He smiles softly and kisses my forehead. He pulls open the door and ushers me inside, his hand on the small of my back as soon as he enters as well.

"Mr. Lambono," Luca greets the silver haired man sitting in front of his desk.

"Pleasure as always Mr. DiSilva," he replies.

I take the seat next to the man and Luca sits behind his desk. Luca opens a few drawers, collecting different pieces of paper, that he shuffles together and slides to the lawyer.

"Very good," Mr. Lambono nods, flipping through the pages.

He opens his briefcase and pulls out a few pieces of paper. He places the pile on the desk and looks up at Luca.

"Sign at the tabs," he says, "I will have the judge approve it by tomorrow morning. The child's new passport and birth certificate will be ready in a few days."

Luca nods once in acknowledgement and grabs a pen from his desk. He slides the papers over and critically scans every line before signing. He slides the pages to me and places his pen on top. I barely glance at the paperwork as I sign where indicated. I turn and hand the pages back to the lawyer when I'm done.

"Great doing business with you," he smiles as he tucks the papers into his briefcase.

"Thank you Mr. Lambono," Luca replies, rising from his chair.

The two men shake hands before Mr. Lambono holds his hand out to me. I shake his hand and smile at him.

"And congratulations on the engagement," he adds as he makes his way towards the door.

Once he is out of the room, Luca picks me up in his arms and spins me around. He places me back on my feet and kisses me, smiling against my lips.

"She's staying with us," he says, a hint of relief in his eyes.

"She is staying with us," I reaffirm, my arms still wrapped around his neck.

"Let's go," he says, stepping away and taking my hand.

"Where?" I ask, laughing as I interlace our fingers.

"To go see our baby of course," he scoffs.

Luca leads me to the nursery where Elle is taking wobbly steps while Alice cheers her on. Elle looks up at us when we enter and loses her balance, dropping to her butt.

Her lower lip quakes and I quickly scoop her into my arms. I bounce her gently and she smiles brightly at me. She tugs at my hair and I scrunch my nose, trying to loosen her grip with my free hand.

"You can leave for the night," Luca says to Alice.

She smiles politely and gathers her things before leaving. Luca turns his undivided attention back to Elle and I.

"Come here," Luca coos, taking her from my arms.

He rocks her gently and presses kisses to her cheeks, making her giggle.

I swear there is nothing more attractive than a man holding a baby.

Elle twists in Luca's arms to face me. She stretches her arms out and opens and closes her fists. I move towards her and smile softly.

"Mommy," she whines, reaching for me.

I freeze, my arms half extended, and lock eyes with Luca. My mouth is open, an unspoken word on the edge of my lips. He takes a deep breath before offering her to me again.

I take her in my arms and she grins, going back to playing with my hair. I look up at Luca again and he shifts his weight between his feet.

"I won't let her forget about them," he says quietly, "she's ours now to raise but Maria and Enzo will always be her parents. There is nothing wrong with her calling you that, as long as you're okay with it."

"I just didn't expect it," I reply, "I don't want her to forget about Maria."

"She won't. We won't let her," he assures me.

I nod and smile down at the child in my arms. She yawns, her fists raising to rub her eyes. I pull off her little shoes as I carry her to the crib.

I gently place her down and cover her with the blanket, making sure the teddy bear is in arms reach. I feel Luca's warm body pressed against my back. He places one of his hands on my hip with the other on the edge of the crib before he rests his chin on my shoulder.

"I like our little family," he says softly, his warm breath fanning over my skin.

"I do too," I reply, smiling.

"I can't wait until we have little bambino's of our own," he says.

"Yeah?" I laugh, "how many do you want?"

"As many as you'll let me put in you," he replies.

I turn to face him with my mouth open. That is somehow incredibly outlandish and remarkably romantic. Our bodies are still pressed together and when he laughs, I can feel the vibrations.

"Two or three," he finally says with a smile, "but they have to be just like you."

"Oh yeah?" I chide, cocking an eyebrow.

"Your eyes," he says leaning down to place a soft kiss on my temple.

"Your nose," he says, placing a gentle kiss on the tip of my nose.

"Your cheekbones," he adds, planting a kiss there as well.

My cheeks burn red and I look at the ground. My heart is racing in my chest and I take a shaky breath.

"But they can't have your lips," he says with full seriousness as he takes my chin and tilts my head back, "because those are all mine."

I smile and he presses our lips together. His hand on my waist pulls me even closer, if that's possible, as he deepens the kiss. I pull away breathless and still smiling.

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