Chapter 34

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The couch in Luca's office is deceptively comfortable. The upholstered leather looks stiff but is actually quite plush. I don't even know how long I've been sitting here but I stopped paying attention to Luca's business dealings hours ago.

Luca has his phone wedged between his shoulder and ear while he frantically types on his laptop. Elle is crawling around, tugging on the pants of the men standing guard at the door and pulling herself up on Luca's chair.

"Gio," I groan as I slump further into the couch.

"Let me guess," he sighs as he looks away from his laptop, "you're bored."

"I finished the book," I reply as I hold up a tattered copy of Pride and Prejudice.

"I'll get you another," he replies as he shuts his laptop.

He quickly leaves the office and I scoop Elle off the floor. I bounce her on my knee and she starts giggling. Luca hangs up his call and looks over at us with a soft smile.

"I'm sorry this is so noioso," he says, turning his chair to face us.

"It's fine," I shrug before covering Elle's ears, "I just want the bullshit with the Russians to be over."

"Soon mio angelo," he replies.

Luca crosses the room and lifts Elle off my lap. He sits down next to me on the couch and pulls me into a quick kiss. Elle tugs at his loosened tie but he pays it no mind.

"I need to talk to you about something," he says slowly and my stomach drops.

This is it. This is the end of whatever weird, twisted dream I've been living in.

"What's wrong?" I ask, my heart beating against my chest.

"Nothing's wrong," he assures me, "I was talking to my legale today about adopting Elle."

"That's amazing," I reply with a smile.

"There is a small hiccup however," he adds.

"Okay, so something is wrong," I sigh. Luca takes my hand in his and squeezes it reassuringly.

"With my record and less than wholesome business dealings, he thinks it would be best if we adopted her," he says as his sapphire eyes search my face.

Wait, what?

"Did you just say 'we'?" I ask.

"I did," he confirms.

"Would we have to get married?" I ask, interlacing our fingers.

I chew on my bottom lip, what a dumb fucking thing to say. And he laughs.

"We don't have to," he shakes his head, "but we could if you want. I can wait."

"You're not known for your patience," I reply, keeping my gaze locked on our hands.

"But for you," he says, tilting my chin up to face him, "farei qualsiasi cosa."
(I would do anything)

I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. What the fuck do I even say to that?

But Dio benedica Gio, who saunters into the office with a stack of books in his arms. He glances at Luca and I before dropping the stack on the coffee table in front of the couch.
(God bless)

"I got you a bunch," he points at the splayed books.

"I can see that," I reply, pulling from Luca's grasp to look at the books.

They're mostly classics and while the spines are cracked, the pages are intact. I open The Hobbit and find that it's from the original publication. I quickly check the other novels and find the same thing.

"Angelo," Luca says, pulling my focus. I almost forgot he was sitting next to me.

"I need you in order to keep Elle," he says simply.

"Just get fucking married already," Gio groans as he plants himself back in his seat.

Luca looks at me with raised brows.

Fuck it.

"I'll adopt her," I tell him.

"Sei perfetto," he smiles at me, "you know that, right?"
(You're perfect)

"Fucking hell," Gio mumbles from across the room, eyes glued to his laptop, "Luca, you need to see this."

Luca sighs heavily and places Elle on the ground. He turns to me and with a hand on each cheek, pulls me into a kiss. He pulls away and walks over to Gio to look over his shoulder.

"Do the raid anyway but enter here," Luca says as he points at Gio's screen.

"No survivors?" Gio asks, his eyes flitting between Luca and the laptop.

"None," Luca confirms, "non ne stanno uscendo vivi."
(They're not coming out of there alive)

"I'll go work up a plan," Gio says before closing his laptop and tucking it under his arm.

He grabs some papers off Luca's desk and leaves the office. Luca returns next to me on the couch and smirks mischievously. With ease, he grabs my hips and lifts me into his lap. I loosely wrap my arms around his neck and smile.

"I almost have this whole thing figured out," he says softly, "it'll be over soon. I promise."

"I know," I reply, "thank you."

I don't give him time to reply, instead planting my lips on his. Our lips glide together and my fingers slip into his hair. His grip on my hips tightens and I can feel him half-hard, pressing against my thigh. He rocks my hips against his and I can feel the wetness pooling in my panties.

I pull away in desperate need of air. Luca's pupils are blown with desire and I can only assume I look the same.

Elle screeching snaps us out of the trance. I groan and let my forehead fall against his. Luca chuckles before shifting me back into my own seat. He scoops Elle off the floor and props her on his hip.

"Dinner?" Luca offers with his free hand extended towards me.

I nod and hop off the couch. I take his hand and let him lead me out of his office.

I can't wait for the shit with the Russians to be over. But what do we do once it is?

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