Chapter 39 - Luca's POV

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I lead Victoria through the halls to the nursery. Alice is folding Elle's tiny clothes when we enter. She looks up and smiles before crossing the room and pulling me into a hug. She pulls back and pinches my cheeks.

"Sei cresciuto così tanto," she coos as her grip on my face becomes borderline painful.
(You have grown up so much)

"Grazie Nonna," I reply when she finally lets go.

"Victoria?" she asks, turning her gaze to the woman at my side.

"Sì," Victoria smiles at her, stretching her hand out, "piacere di conoscerti."
(Nice to meet you)

Alice tuts and pulls Victoria into a tight hug. Victoria looks over the older woman's shoulder at me with wide eyes and I chuckle.

"You are so pretty," Alice remarks as she holds Victoria at arms length to look her over.

Alice turns to me with a cocked brow, "come hai trovato una ragazza così bella?"
(How did you find a girl so beautiful)

"Nonna," I reply in a warning tone.

Alice laughs and releases Victoria from her grasp. Victoria resumes her place at my side and without thinking my hand finds her back again.

"How does this work?" Victoria asks, looking between Alice and me.

"Very simple darling," Alice says to Victoria, "you want me gone, I leave. You need help, I come."

Victoria looks up at me with a smile and I relish in the sparkle of her eyes. She's happy with this decision.

"Grazie Alice," she replies.

"Call me Nonna," Alice corrects, "now where is the bambino?"

As if on cue, Antonio walks in carrying Elle. Alice smiles brightly and takes the baby in her arms before pinching Antonio's cheek.

"Sei cresciuto non tanto," she smiles at him and I hold back a laugh.
(You have grown up not as much)

He smiles at her nonetheless. Alice immediately begins to sing an old Italian lullaby and walks towards the windows.

"We have an issue with some of the warehouses," I tell Antonio, "meet me in my office once Rocco gets here."

He nods once and pulls out his phone. I turn to Victoria and take her chin in my hand. I tilt her face up and press a gentle kiss to her lips.

"I will see you soon il mio piccolo angelo," I say.

"Okay orsetto," she grins.
(Teddy bear)

I smile at her and ask, "perché?"

"Everyone thinks you're a big mean beast but you're really a softie," she shrugs in response.

I lean down and kiss her forehead before replying, "solo per te."
(Only for you)

Her cheeks redden and I smile. She's so fucking precious. I wonder if I'll continue to fluster her like this once we're married. I kiss her forehead again before heading to my office.

Gio is already in his usual seat when I enter and I plant myself in my chair. He looks up from his phone with a knowing grin and I narrow my eyes at him.

"You want our help planning your proposal," he states.

I open my mouth to protest but no words come out. He's right on the fucking money.

"We all know that there's nothing wrong with the warehouses right now so what is it?" Antonio asks as he saunters into my office.

He sits himself next to Gio who wears a shit eating grin. I glare at him before looking at my brother.

"I'm asking Victoria to marry me," I tell him.

"I thought you already did that," he replies with furrowed brows.

I sigh and run a hand through my hair. She told me it needs to be proper so it will be. But it needs to be fucking perfect, that's what she deserves. Not some half assed fancy restaurant with cheap champagne. She deserves the fucking world.

"I did not," I reply.

"Do you even have a ring?" Antonio scoffs, kicking his feet up on the desk.

I swat his feet down and punch in the keypad on my desk to open one of the drawers. I pull out the small velvet box and place it on the center of my desk.

"I bought it in Italy," I say.

Gio grabs the box and opens it. He whistles lowly and Antonio leans over for a look as well.

"Holy shit," Antonio breathes out.

"Is it too small?" I ask as I look between them.

Fuck. I knew that salesman was bullshitting me. 10 carats is not nearly enough.

"It might tip her over," Gio laughs.

"That's a big fucking diamond fratello," Antonio clarifies.

"This may sound fucking muto but hear me out," I say as I take the box from Gio.

"I'll take her outside like I usually do but I will have a whole dinner prepared under the trees with a string quartet and everything. Maybe shoot off some fireworks," I ramble slightly.

I was up half the night buzzing with excitement in planning this. It has to be perfect and it has to be special. Because she is both.

"Don't forget to drop to your knee," Gio points out and I nod.

"Call in some of the new guys and let's get to work," Antonio says, standing from his chair.

"You're going to help?" I scoff.

"Hey!" he exclaims, half offended, "I like Victoria and I think she's good for you. Plus if I help with this I don't have to do shit for the actual wedding."

"I think she'll love it," Gio tells me.

Antonio heads towards the doors with a pep in his step.

"You know we still have actual business to do, right?" Gio calls after him.

"You always ruin my mood," Antonio huffs, sitting back down.

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