Chapter 54 - Luca's POV

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~4 Months Later~

I pinch the bridge of my nose as I glare at my laptop screen. Antonio, being the fucking idiot he is, fucked up with the Sinaloa's.

So instead of being at home with my very pregnant and utterly gorgeous wife, I'm at the fucking compound cleaning up his mess.

"Right here," I say as I point at the screen.

Antonio leans down to look over my shoulder and hums. All the fucking dumbass had to do was reroute a few shipments a couple week ago. But now we have some angry Colombians to deal with instead.

"Alright," he says as he takes a step back, "I'll fix it tomorrow."

"No," I reply, "you'll fix it now."

He huffs and rounds the desk to plop into the chair next to Gio. He grabs his laptop and begins to type frantically. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I answer without checking.

"You mother fucker!" Victoria screams from the other side.

I have to actually pull the phone away from my ear with how loud she is and she screams out obscenities in a combination of English and Italian.

"What's wrong? What did I do?" I ask.

Gio lifts his head to look at me with furrowed brows but I can only offer him a shrug.

"You put this fucking baby in me and now it wants to come out," she exclaims.

"What's going on?" I ask again.

"I'm in fucking labor you jackass," she yells.

"Fuck, okay," I reply as I stand from my desk, "I'll meet you at the hospital."

She hangs up without another word and I reach over and shut Antonio's laptop as I walk past.

"What's-" Antonio starts to ask.

"Victoria è in travaglio," I call over my shoulder.
(Victoria is in labor)

"Pull the cars around," Gio demands, "call the hospital now."

I run down the stairs to the foyer and push past my men to get outside. A caravan of SUVs await me and I climb into one.

My leg shakes as I wait for the rest of the cars to fill. The child, our son, is the heir to a throne I will never let him take. But regardless, just like Victoria and Elle, he is a target. Even more so than my girls.

I will not allow them to come in harms way.

Gio hops in front and peels out of the driveway. He drives with a recklessness I've never seen through the city. The SUV comes to a screeching halt outside the emergency room doors and I practically jump from the vehicle.

I rush through the sliding doors, my men's heavy footfall letting me know they're right behind. The receptionist's eyes are wide as I approach.

"DiSilva," I say simply.

She nods and points towards a hallway. I continue my jog through the halls until finally I find her room. My men line the hallway silently. Victoria's yells can be heard in the hall and I take a deep breath before pushing open the door.

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