Chapter 51

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"Luca you have to stop pouting," I giggle, nudging him with my elbow.

Luca looks down at me with a frown and huffs.

"It's bullshit," he grumbles, "I don't want this to end."

"We can always come back," I remind him.

He narrows his eyes but cracks a smile anyway. He lifts our joined hands and presses a kiss to my knuckles.

The tires of the plane touch the ground, jostling us slightly, and Luca places a protective arm across me. The pilot announces our arrival and I stand from my seat. Luca sighs but does the same, placing his hand on the small of my back and escorting me off the jet.

"How was the honeymoon?" Gio asks with a smile, leaning against the hood of an SUV.

"Fuck off," Luca grunts in response.

"It was amazing," I tell him, "Luca's just upset it's over."

Luca opens the back door and slides into the car after me. Gio hops in front and starts the engine. Luca takes my hand and interlaces our fingers.

Gio leaves the private air strip and takes off down the winding roads. I furrow my brow as the scenery outside becomes less and less familiar until I finally turn my gaze back to Luca.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Home," he replies simply with a small smile.

I nod at his half answer and turn to the window again. In the two weeks that we've been gone, New York has taken its fall form. The leaves are starting to turn yellow on the trees and clouds are omnipresent.

Gio turns into the driveway of a beautiful mansion I've never seen before. The circular driveway encompasses a fountain with flowers along the edges. He comes to a stop in front of the front doors and rounds the car to open my door.

I glance at Luca who gives me a reassuring nod before getting out. Luca comes to stand at my side and places his hand on the small of my back. I lean into his touch and he kisses the top of my head.

"Do you like it?" he asks quietly.

"It's beautiful," I reply, "whose is it?"

"Ours," he says.

I turn fully to look up at him with wide eyes.

"Let's go look inside," he suggests, urging me forward.

I nod in utter disbelief as he leads me into the mansion. My mouth drops open as I look around. The floors are a shiny, white marble with luxe maroon carpeting on the staircase. The banisters that lead up the stairs are swirls of wrought iron. Crystal chandeliers hang above my head in nearly every room.

Luca leads me up to the third floor and opens the door to our room. It's huge with deep maroon walls and a four post bed. The king bed is covered in throw pillows and sits next to a balcony that overlooks the backyard. There are two walk in closets, one for each of us, and an amazing bathroom with a waterfall shower and a huge claw foot tub.

"Come here angelo," Luca calls from the balcony.

I step outside and lean against the railing next to him. Men are busy at work in the yard and he's watching them.

"They're building a play set for Elle," he says, nodding towards the workers.

"That's so sweet," I reply, smiling.

"I think the pool should go there," he says, pointing out at the yard.

He looks down at me for my approval and I nod.

"Do you want to go see our baby?" he asks with a grin.

I nod furiously and he takes my hand, leading me out of the room. Just down the hall, he opens another door to reveal her nursery.

The walls are a light pink and there are a dozen toys on the floor. Her crib even has a frill bed skirt and a chandelier hanging above.

Alice is sitting on the floor reading to Elle. She closes the book when we enter and points up at us while speaking quietly to the little girl. Elle looks up and smiles widely.

I cross the room and scoop her up into my arms, peppering kisses across her cheeks as she giggles. Luca appears next to me and places his hand on the small of my back while the other comes up to tickle Elle.

"Mamma e papà ti sei mancato così tanto," he coos and I smile up at him.
(Mommy and daddy missed you so much)

Luca takes her from my arms and she squeals loudly. Alice walks over and places a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"I am not only here for the child, I am also here for you," she says quietly.

"Grazie Alice," I reply.

"I have something that I believe you may need," she says.

I furrow my brow and she nods for me to follow her. She leads me over to her purse in the corner of the room. She pulls out a brown paper bag and hands it to me quickly.

I open the bag to reveal pregnancy tests. I look back at her and my face drops. She's right. I should have gotten my period right before the wedding but I didn't. It only takes a little math from there.

"I will not say a word to anyone dear," she assures me, "not even your husband if that's your wishes."

"Just wait until we know for sure," I tell her.

She nods in understanding and smiles softly at me. I smile back and look past her to Luca. He looks so happy playing with Elle.

I know he said he wants kids, a lot of them apparently, but I don't think he meant right now.

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