Chapter 42

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A few days later, Luca holds a service at a huge cathedral in the city. The church is packed with men in identical suits consoling the wives, children, and girlfriends of their lost friends.

I stand at Luca's side at the front of the church. His one hand remains steady on the small of my back throughout the ordeal. Countless people come up to pay their respects and congratulate him on his success.

I just shift uncomfortably the whole time. It's weird to be at a memorial service where someone is consistently praised. I may not have known those men, but this feels wrong.

"I hate it too," Luca leans down to whisper. I look up at him curiously.

"This shouldn't be about me," he continues, "it should be about their families. I've never agreed with this tradition."

I nod and another man approaches. I sigh and turn to Luca before the other man can speak.

"I'm going to find Gio," I tell him with hopeful eyes.

He nods once and I move through the swarms of people. I'm not actually looking for Gio, although I do need to talk to him. I just need to get away a bit.

I take a seat in the furthest pew from the front. The polished wood makes my dress bunch up and I have to sit up straight to keep it in place. I look up at the stained glass windows that decorate the church, watching the colors radiate into the chapel itself.

"Hey," Antonio says as he sits down next to me, "first mafia service?"

"Yeah," I nod, "it's fucking weird."

"The widows are always taken care of," he informs me, "kids and girlfriends too."

"Really?" I ask.

"Of course," he chuckles, "we're not monsters."

"Debatable," I shrug.

"So since I'm walking Elle down the aisle, does that mean I have to throw the flowers?" he changes the subject abruptly.

"Who said you're doing that?" I ask with furrowed brows and a grin.

"I did," he scoffs.

"In that case, yes you do have to throw the flowers," I reply.

Antonio looks over my head and his brows furrow. I whip around to find a pretty, young woman giggling with one of the soldiers.

"Someone has a crush," I tease Antonio, turning back to face him.

"I'll see you later," he says as he stands, eyes never leaving the duo.

The hush of the church lets me think. I'm getting married. To Luca. It'll probably be in a church just like this. He said he wants it to happen as soon as possible and I don't doubt that he'll make it happen. It'll probably be a huge thing just like this and I can't think of a single person I could invite.

"Heard you were looking for me," Gio says, leaning his arms against the back of the pew.

"I was thinking about the wedding," I reply.

He furrows his brows and hops over the pew to sit next to me.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"So Luca killed my brother," I start.

"Yeah," he trails off slightly.

"And my father," I add.

"If you're thinking of running I am not helping you," he says, "the man would fucking kill me."

"No, it's not like that," I reply, shaking my head, "I realized that I don't have anyone to walk me down the aisle."

"Oh fuck," he says as his shoulders visibly drop. His usual playful tone is replaced with utter seriousness as he adds, "I'm so sorry."

"No it's okay," I reply, "I was actually thinking."

"That can be a dangerous thing," he snarks back. I smile at him but my heart pounds and I take a deep breath.

"I was hoping you'd do it," I say softly.

"Are you serious?" he exclaims, jumping from his seat. I swat his arm as a reminder that we are in a church and he nods before sitting back down.

"Yeah," I nod, picking at my nails, "if you don't want to I get it."

"Shut up," he scoffs, "of course I'll walk you down the aisle."

"You're the best," I smile at him and he returns the gesture.

"You should go back up there," he says, nodding towards the altar where Luca is standing, "this whole thing isn't about our fallen men, it's about the future of the family as a whole. You're a part of that future now."

I nod and take a shaky breath before standing and smoothing down my dress. Gio stands as well and offers me his arm. I take it and he weaves us through all of the people that fill the cathedral.

"Angelo," Luca smiles when he sees me approaching.

I smile back and let go of Gio to stand beside him. Luca wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close.

"It's almost over," he says softly.

I glance at his watch and nod. I stay silently at his side while he speaks to dozens of people. I twirl the ring around my finger just to keep myself somewhat occupied.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Luca seethes, his hold on me tightening.

I look up from my hand to find the blonde from the lingerie store in Italy. Much like then, she is wearing as little fabric as possible.

"I wanted to pay my respects," she smiles at him, batting her lashes.

"Pay them and leave," he replies.

She pouts and reaches out towards him. I grab her wrist, inches away from his chest, and smile sweetly at her.

"Walk away before you get yourself killed," I tell her, still smiling.

Her face drops and she looks between Luca and me. She pulls herself from my grip and takes a step back.

"Luciano," she whines loudly.

"You heard my fiancé," he says, dangling the last word over her head.

She opens and closes her mouth like a fish but no words actually come out. She stomps her foot and huffs like a child before walking away.

"What happened there?" I ask hesitantly.

"She fucked my dad," he replies through gritted teeth, "then she pretended to be knocked up, blamed both of us. She just wanted our money."

"Oh," I say softly. What the fuck do you say to that?

"I would kill her before I'd allow her anywhere near you," he says sternly.

"Why is she here?" I ask.

"Her brother," he says, gesturing to one of the framed pictures of the lost men.

"Why don't we head back home?" I suggest, playing with the ring again.

He merely hums in agreement before leading me out of the church. Men hang around outside with their ties loosened and cigarettes in their hands. With one hand Luca pulls out his phone and taps at it.

Gio saunters out moments later, swirling a key ring around his finger. We follow behind him to one of the many SUVs and Luca opens the door for me. I slide in and he gets in next to me, immediately interlacing our fingers.

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