Chapter 22 - Luca's POV

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TW: violence

"Oh Marco," I start with a chuckle as I circle the chair he is tied to, "I've been looking forward to this."

"Fuck you," Marco spits blood onto my shoe. I glare at Antonio, he got the first hit and now my shoes are ruined.

I grab a fistful of Marco's hair and yank his head back. I hold out my other hand and Antonio places a small scalpel in it.

"You got off really easy last time," I remind him.

I place the scalpel against his jaw and slowly slice up towards his ear. In one swift motion, his right ear lies on the ground. Marco lets out very little sound but I noticed his small grunt of pain.

"What other information did you give them?" I ask as I toss his head forward. The chair creaks at the movement.

"Fuck you," Marco replies again.

So fucking rude. I should show him some manners.

I walk over to the long table of supplies at the back of the room. I grab a hammer, a couple of knives and a blowtorch.

Here's something fun about torture, most people die from blood loss. But, if you cauterize the wounds, you can go longer. And as an added bonus, cauterization hurts like a fucking bitch.

I return to Marco and smile down at him. He's a little bitch, he'll talk eventually. Or he'll die protecting the wrong people.

I swing the hammer down on his knee and smile upon the bones audibly breaking. Marco screams out and clenches his eyes shut.

"What did you tell them?" I ask again as I swing down on his other knee.

"Fuck! Please stop!" Marco begs.

"I don't think that's what you told them," I reply, "what do you think brother?"

"Anche il suo elemosina è patetico," Antonio scoffs.
(Even his begging is pathetic)

"Fire up the blowtorch," I tell Antonio.

I slice down Marco's thigh and watch as the blood seeps out. He screams again and Antonio quickly holds the flame to it. This only causes the bastardo to scream louder. Marco's head slumps and his body goes limp in the ropes.

"Can't even handle some fucking pain," Antonio rolls his eyes.

"Wake him up," I order as I pick up a different knife.

Antonio grabs a bucket of water from the floor and dumps it over Marco's head. Marco wakes with a gasp and frantically looks around the room.

I don't give him a second to adjust. I slice at his chest in swift and deep cuts. His chest practically bursts with blood, some even spraying on my shirt and face.

"Do you know how expensive this fucking shirt is?" I ask him, holding the knife's point on his dick. Marco stutters over sounds, not even forming a full fucking word.

"What did you tell them?" I ask him again, pushing the knife further.

"They know locations but that's it," Marco finally spits out, "just the two bases and some warehouses."

He meets me eye with a look of desperation and I laugh. Stupid motherfucker.

I push the knife fully down, pinning his now mutilated dick to the chair. I grab another knife and stalk to stand behind Marco.

"Tu non sei un uomo. Sei un codardo," I tell him.
(You are not a man. You are a coward.)

I grab his hair again and tilt his head back. I smile at him as I line the tip of the knife with his throat.

"Please please," Marco begs with tears gushing down his face.

In one swift move, I slice his throat and his blood sprays. The feeling of his blood on my skin is something I could never describe.

The only word that comes to mind is power.

"Bring in his father," I order the foot soldiers that stand against one wall.

Three of them rush out of the room, dragging Marco's corpse, while the remaining one picks up my tools.

"Lo ucciderai anche tu?" Antonio asks as he powers off the torch.
(You gonna kill him too?)

I don't warrant that dumb fucking question a response. Why the fuck would I let that bastardo live?

He raised a fucking rat and used the most precious person in the world as a punching bag. He's dying today.

Victor is brought in with his wrists bound and eyes covered. I point to the chains hanging from the ceiling and the soldiers nod. Victor is quickly shackled so his feet barely brush the floor and his blindfold is removed.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" he yells as soon as he sees me.

Interesting. He thinks he holds some kind of authority.

"I've seen some of the scars that you've given," I tell him, "I think you should match."

Victor's eyes go wide and he starts to thrash. I smile at the panic on his face and grab a knife. I walk over and stab him in the gut a couple times. Each time he grits his teeth against the pain. And each time his blood splatters on me.

"Light him up," I take a step back from the bleeding man.

Antonio steps forward and holds the blue flame against each wound. Finally, Victor screams out. He goes limp in the chains, what a fucking pussy.

A faint, almost bell like clattering echoes behind me. I turn and my heart drops.


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