Chapter 40

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As I'm flipping through the tv, a young soldier bursts through the door of my room. He's breathing heavily with a huge black bag in his hand. I raise my brows and sit up fully in my bed.

"Hello," I say slowly, glancing at Rocco who is sitting at the desk.

"Why are you in here?" the young man asks as he steps further into the room.

Rocco jumps to his feet to position himself between the man and me.

"It's my room," I reply, shaking my head.

The young man hands Rocco the bag and takes a few steps back.

"You were supposed to be on the fifth floor," the young man says, "I've been looking for you for an hour."

"Well you found me," I retort.

"Boss said to give you that," he says, pointing at the bag, "said to be ready by 7."

Rocco tosses me the bag and I dump out the contents only for my eyes to go wide and my cheeks to flush. A complicated lingerie set is sprawled across the bed. Both men immediately look away, actually turning their bodies away from me. I quickly tuck it back into the bag, leaving just the dress Luca had selected.

It's truly beautiful. The black silk dress has a sweetheart neckline and a small slit up one leg. I climb off the bed and carefully hang the dress up in my closet.

"It's already 6:15," Rocco informs me when I return to my bedroom.

"Shit," I mumble, stepping past him and into the bathroom.

I turn on the shower and return to the bedroom to let it steam up. The young man rocks on his heels in the doorway to my room and I cock an eyebrow.

"What?" I ask him. I guess Luca was right, you really do have to train the young ones.

"He also said to wear the necklace," he replies, "he said you'd know what he was talking about."

I smile and nod. He wants me to wear his mother's necklace tonight. This whole thing reminds me of that shit show of a date he took me on. But without the Russians, it'll be amazing.

I go into the bathroom and strip before stepping into the hot water. Without the fear of war, everything seems brighter. The men are in good spirits, today was gorgeous and sunny, Elle took her first steps. I scrub at my skin and take the time to shave correctly.

I wrap myself in a towel and walk back into my room. Rocco glances up when I walk in but diverts his eyes. I go into the closet and stare at the lingerie Luca picked out. It's beautiful and I'm pretty sure I tried it on in Italy but decided against it. But I'm glad he overrode that decision as I adjust the straps.

I take a step back and look at myself in the mirror. It's beautiful and fucking hot. I grab a pair of stilettos and slip them on before looking in the mirror again. Yeah, the heels really make the look.

I slide the dress on over my head and grab the box that holds the necklace before going back into my bedroom.

"I need your help," I inform Rocco as I approach him. He stands at attention, body stiff and ready for his orders.

"Zip me up please," I say, turning so my back faces him. He doesn't say a single word as he zips the dress. I hand him the box over my shoulder and listen as he opens it.

"What am I supposed to do with this Regina?" he asks.

I turn to face him fully with furrowed brows. What did he just call me?

"What did you just call me?" I ask.

"You sit to the left of the Don," he says with wide, panicked eyes, "you are the Don's woman. Are you not?"

"Sì," I reply hesitantly.

"Allora questo è il tuo titolo," he says.
(Then that is your title)

"Just help me with the necklace," I reply, turning around again.

He carefully and quickly clasps the necklace. I run my fingers along the jewels and smile to myself. I go into the bathroom and put on a little makeup before brushing out my hair.

The bedroom door opens and closes as I add a few finishing touches to my makeup. I glance up in the mirror to see Luca's reflection standing in the doorway. I turn to face him and smile.

"You astound me with your beauty every day," he says softly.

I smile and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him into a kiss. He pulls away smiling and brushes a few strands of hair out of my face.

"Don't get too excited so early in the night," he playfully scolds.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

His hand finds the small of my back and he guides me out of my room, ignoring my question. I roll my eyes but don't push it.

He leads me to the back doors and I look up at him with furrowed brows. One of his men opens the door for us and Luca continues to lead me towards the tree swing.

My mouth drops open and I stop walking. In a small clearing sits a white cloth covered table with two seats. Twinkling lights hang from the trees and a string quartet stand a few feet from the table playing soft music.

I turn to look at Luca and he scratches the back of his neck. He bites his bottom lip before giving me a sheepish grin.

"Do you like it?" he asks, urging me towards the table.

"It's perfect," I reply.

He pulls out my chair and I sit down. He sits across from me and lifts a bottle of wine from the bucket of ice. He opens the bottle and pours us each a glass. I lift mine and he does the same.

"Per amore," he smiles and we clink glasses.
(To love)

A white gloved man appears with two plates of food. He places our plates in front of us and nods once at Luca before leaving.

"Spaghetti alla Siracusana," Luca gestures to the plates, "Alice helped me prepare it."

"You cooked?" I ask as I place my napkin on my lap.

"With help," he replies, eyes carefully scanning my face.

We eat dinner together and it's delicious. It's pretty obvious that only a true Italian could make this. The pasta is handmade and the sauce is impeccable.

A loud boom makes me jump and draws my attention. Fireworks are going off, seemingly being shot off from the roof of the compound. I turn to look at Luca and I cover my mouth with my hands as I gasp.

Luca is on one knee holding the most beautiful and exuberant ring I've ever seen. His hands are visibly shaking and he takes a deep breath.

"I love you more than I could even begin to explain," he says, "you make me so happy and I cannot fathom my life without you."

He takes a deep breath again before continuing.

"Victoria Ricci, will you please make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" he asks.

Tears fill my eyes and I nod frantically before wrapping my arms around his neck. He lets out a relieved breath and holds me close.

"Well?" he asks when we pull apart.

"Yes, yes," I nod as he slips the ring on my finger, "of course! Yes."

The fireworks continue as he presses our lips together.

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