Chapter 52

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I pace back and forth in my bathroom trying to get my head straight. I've gone through seventeen different tests in the past week each giving me the same result: pregnant.

Alice convinced me to go to the doctor yesterday and the sonogram confirmed it. I'm fucking pregnant.

I know I have to tell Luca, he's my husband and the father. But I have no idea what to expect from him when I do. This could not possibly be what he meant when he said he wanted us to have bambino's of our own.

Luca's at the compound today working which means I have a few more hours to get my shit together. But in Luca's absence, Rocco has returned to keep watch over us. He's not a bad guy, he's polite and quiet and does as he's told, but that means that Luca is keeping tabs.

"Victoria!" Luca's booming voice snaps me out of it. He's not supposed to be home right now.

I open the bathroom door as Luca opens the door to the bedroom. His brows are furrowed and he holds the sonogram in his hand. I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out.

"Is this real?" he asks as he steps closer. I nod, frozen in place.

"Is this yours?" he asks, now towering above me. I nod again and look down at my shoes.

"Shit," he breathes out and I flinch.

I knew he wasn't going to be happy about this.

"Guess we have to get you another wardrobe," he sighs.

I look up at him and he smiles softly. He leans down and kisses my forehead.

"You're not mad?" I ask quietly.

"What the fuck would I have to be mad about?" he scoffs with a smile, "we're having a fucking kid."

I smile up at him and he wraps me up in a hug, spinning me around until I laugh. He places me back on my feet and cups my cheek, bringing me closer to press his lips against mine.

I pull away with my heart still hammering in my chest. He smiles and tucks stray hairs out of my face.

"Why did our daughter know before me?" he asks, his arm still firmly holding me against him.

"What?" I ask, laughing lightly.

"She was playing with this," he says, holding up the sonogram.

"She probably got it from Alice's purse," I reply, shrugging, "I asked her to hold onto them for me."

Luca nods before briefly kissing me again. He drops down to his knees and I laugh as he lifts up the bottom of my shirt. He places a gentle kiss just below my bellybutton.

"Hello in there," he says softly, speaking to my stomach.

"He can't hear you yet," I laugh, running my fingers through his hair.

"Shush," he scolds me before turning back, "your mommy is so beautiful and as you grow she's probably going to think otherwise. So every time mommy says something mean about herself I want you to kick her."

"Luca," I exclaim through laughs.

"What?" he asks incredulously with furrowed brows.

"Get up here," I demand.

He kisses my belly again before pulling down my shirt and standing fully. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my forehead.

"I love you so much," he says.

"I love you too," I reply.

"This is your choice, every time it will be your choice," he says with full seriousness, "I will never tell you what to do when it comes to this."

"I know," I reply nodding, "I want this baby."

"Good," he says before placing a kiss on my lips, "because so do I."

I smile and untangle myself from him. I take his hand and pull him behind me towards the door. He doesn't question me, he simply interlaces our fingers and walks at my side.

I step into Elle's room and smile. She's crawling around with different trucks on the floor making all kinds of sounds. Alice smiles and waves from the chair by the windows.

Luca kneels down on the ground with Elle and kisses her cheeks before playing with her. I go over to Alice who takes a sip of water as I approach.

"I don't know how she-" Alice starts but I cut her off.

"It's okay," I say, "he's happy about it."

"I told you he would be," she replies, rolling her eyes and I laugh.

"You were right," I tell her with a smile

"He's going to make a great father," she says as she turns her gaze towards Luca and Elle.

Luca is playing peek-a-boo with Elle and her teddy bear. He smiles at her while she giggles and claps.

"He's already a great father," I correct her.

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