Chapter 26

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"What do you want to do today?" Gio casually asks as he holds his mug of coffee close to his nose.

"I want to go outside," I reply before taking a sip of my own coffee, "maybe bring Elle out too. She could use some fresh air."

"That's a great idea! We could go swimming," Gio says, placing the mug down on the table.

"Where's Luca?" I blurt out. I had been holding the question in throughout the entirety of breakfast but I want to know.

"Business," Gio replies with a shrug. I glare at him in frustration but he just looks away.

"I'm going to get ready," I tell him as I push back my chair. Gio is quick to finish his coffee and walk by my side. It doesn't go over my head that he places himself strategically between me and the soldiers that fill the room.

We stop at Elle's room first. The behemoth of a man, whose name I learned is Mike, is changing her diaper with his face screwed up in disgust.

I roll my eyes at the melodramatic man and shove him to the side. I finish changing Elle and looks through the drawers at her new clothes.

When Luca said to make a list for the baby I figured whoever went shopping would pick and choose what to get. I was wrong and now the small child has a huge wardrobe. She probably won't even get the chance to wear it all, kids grow so fast.

I change her into a little one piece bathing suit with a bright pink bow on the back. She pulls her foot into her mouth and happily chews her toes.

"Where's the baby sunscreen?" I ask Mike. He brushes past me silently and digs around in a box next to the changing table. He produces the gentle sunscreen and I apply it on her skin.

I hoist her onto my hip and go back into the hallway where Gio is waiting. He leans against the wall next to the door with a smirk. He pushes himself off and we continue to my room.

I hand Elle over to Gio and she immediately pulls at his blonde curls. Gio's face twists with discomfort but he allows her to continue.

"Give me a sec," I tell him before scurrying into the closet. I shut the door and go over to the selection of swimsuits Luca had provided. I decide on a simple white bikini and change before throwing on some flip flops.

"He's going to kill someone," is the first thing Gio says when I walk out of my room. Elle has released him from her grip and has resumed chewing on her fist.

"What are you talking about?" I ask him with furrowed brows.

"Nothing," Gio shakes his head and extends his arms to offer me the child with a hopeful grin. I take her in my arms again and let him lead the way.

I'm slowly starting to get aquatinted with the compound. There are five stories, one of them being underground, that are broken into a north and south side respectively. The subfloor is reserved for some intense shit like torturing people. The first provides the dining room, kitchen, and a few lounge areas. Second floor is where both my and Elle's rooms are. It's also where the library is. Third holds the sleeping arrangements for Luca's men. Fourth floor is just different types of gyms and training rooms. The fifth and final floor houses Luca's office.

Gio leads me into the back garden and we walk in the opposite direction of the tree swing. A huge pool is surrounded by lounge chairs and umbrellas. There are neatly folded towels on each chair and a lone donut floats on the water.

With Elle still in my arms, I sit down on one of the chairs and lean back. The sun is so bright today it's almost painful to keep my eyes open.

"Here," Gio takes Elle off of me, "relax I'm great with kids."

The Don and His AngelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang