Chapter 48

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With Luca's hand on the small of my back, I walk into a luxe hotel in the heart of the city. My heels click against the marble flooring and I can't help but look up at the chandeliers. Luca urges me forward and I let him lead me down the hall.

"How did you get this place so short notice?" I ask him.

"I'm friends with the owner," he replies, grinning.

"Do you own this hotel?" I ask him when he stops outside double doors.

"No," he smiles down at me, "we own this hotel."

The doors swing open and everyone from the church is here, clapping profusely as we enter. The singer of the band Luca hired announces us as we get to the dance floor.

I turn to face Luca, his hand staying in place, and he reaches the other out to clasp mine. The band plays a soft song that I can only vaguely recognize.

Luca and I sway to the music. He spins me out and dips me across his arm every so often and I laugh each time. He drops my hand to hold me by my hips as he pulls me closer and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I love you Victoria," he says softly.

"I love you too Luca," I reply.

The song ends and more people take up the dance floor. Luca leads me away to a table at the front of the room. He pulls out my chair before taking his seat.

"I'm thinking of taking a step back," Luca says vaguely.

"A step back?" I question, turning in my chair to look at him.

"Hand some of my responsibilities over to Antonio," he replies before taking a sip of wine.

"Why would you do that?" I ask.

There's no way in hell he'd be doing this for-

"For you," he says simply, "for Elle, for the babies we will have together."

"Do you actually want to do that?" I ask, reaching out to take his hand.

"Of course," he says, interlacing our fingers, "tutto quello che voglio è che tu sia sicuro e felice."
(All I want is for you to be happy and safe)

"I'm both when I'm with you," I reply, smiling.

He leans over and kisses me softly, cupping my cheek with his free hand. He slides his tongue along my bottom lip and I part my lips. Our tongues stroke one another as we continue our slow and sweet kiss.

"Relax for like three hours," Antonio's voice startles me enough to bite Luca's lip.

I pull away and reach for my wine glass with rosy cheeks. Antonio stands in front of the table with his hands on his hips.

"What the fuck could you possibly want right now?" Luca huffs, running his thumb across his bottom lip to check for blood.

"Fuck you, I'm trying to help," Antonio retorts, "your, uh, exit plans for tonight need to be confirmed."

I take a sip of wine and look over at Luca. He narrows his eyes at Antonio before rising from his chair. He kisses my forehead before following after his brother.

"Victoria," Gio exclaims as he walks over with a beautiful brunette on his arm.

"Where's Luca?" he asks with furrowed brows.

"He needed to do something with Antonio," I shrug.

"Is it about his, er, transportation?" Gio asks.

"Yeah," I reply, nodding slowly, "how did you know that?"

"Because I told him to deal with it days ago," he shrugs.

I laugh and shake my head.

"This is Rosa," he says, finally introducing the woman, "Antonio and Luca's cousin."

"It's so nice to meet you," I say, smiling, as I stand and extend my hand towards her.

"So nice to meet you," she replies, "you are una bella sposa."
(A beautiful bride)

"Grazie," I reply, "I need another drink, want to come with me?"

"Sì," she nods before looking at Gio, "ci vediamo al piano di sopra."
(I'll see you upstairs)

My jaw drops and Gio's face burns red. He tugs at the collar of his shirt and I have to cover my mouth to stop from laughing.

"Come," she says with a smile as she offers me her arm.

I link our arms together and we move through the dancing guests to the bar. Some of Luca's men are leaning against the bar top drinking but stand straight when I walk over.

"It's a party," I tell them as I wave my hand, "you can relax."

The men return to their chatter and drinking. The bartender slides two flutes of champagne over and I take one.

"How does it feel to be married?" Rosa asks before taking a sip of her champagne.

"Amazing," I reply before taking a sip as well, "it doesn't feel real, like it's too perfect."

She laughs and nods.

"Where is the baby?" she asks, glancing around the room.

I furrow my brow and do the same. I haven't seen her since we arrived. I spot Alice but no Elle.

"È troppo carino," Rosa says, pointing at the dance floor.

Luca is on the dance floor, Gio and Antonio on either side of him, as he dances with Elle. Her feet are on his shoes and he holds her hands as he moves around. She is giggling and Luca is laughing with her.

"Let's dance," she says, removing the glass from my hand and pulling me to the dance floor.

Luca lifts Elle into his arms when he sees me and wraps his other arm around my waist. I kiss Elle's cheek and we awkwardly sway to the music. It's perfect.

Antonio takes my hand and spins me away from Luca. I laugh as Antonio places his hands on my waist and stick his tongue out at Luca. Luca narrows his eyes playfully and I drape my arms on Antonio's shoulders.

We dance for hours, our own happily little family in a world of our own, only stopping for dinner and the cake. My heels are long gone and my voice is starting to go hoarse from singing along.

Luca wraps his arms around me, pressing himself against my back, while I'm dancing with Rosa. I giggle and tilt my head back to look at him.

"It's time to go il mio angelo," he whispers in my ear.

I turn to face him and he keeps me pressed against him. I pout up at him slightly and he chuckles.

"Let's go," he says simply.

With his hand on the small of my back, Luca leads me to golden elevators. He swipes a card to get in and again to make the lift move. He presses a button marked 'H' and I furrow my brows.

The elevator doors open and I turn to Luca immediately. There is a gorgeous helicopter on top of this hotel with no one around.

Luca doesn't say a word as he urges me over to the chopper. He opens one of the doors and I carefully climb in, trying not to let my dress knock into anything. He rounds the aircraft and gets in next to me.

He begins to flip switches and turn levers. My mouth drops open as he places a headset on himself before turning to put one on me.

"Buckle up," he instructs.

I nod and strap myself to the seat.

"You know how to fly a helicopter?" I ask incredulously.

"I do," he confirms as the helicopter begins to lift off the roof.

"Where are we going?" I ask, looking out the window.

"Grand Cayman," he replies simply, his voice coming through the headset.

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