V - Leaving Him Behind

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Sorry I haven't updated in so long. :/

This chapter kind of gives you guys a nice outlook on what Rose's current relationship with Elijah is like.

The song for this is "Good To You" by Marianas Trench. :)


Chapter Five

I woke up the next morning to someone shaking my shoulder. "Rose," They said, and I opened my eyes, squinting a little at the bright light that almost blinded me. 

Marcel smiled when I opened my eyes, grinning at me. "I'm free today. What would you like to do?"

I shrugged. "Well, I've been wanting to tell you what has happened to us since we last saw each other."

"Us, being the Mikaelson's and you?"

I nodded. "Yes." I smiled softly, then yawned and sat up in the bed, stretching. 

He stood up from the bed, staring down at me before crossing his arms over his chest. "I'll meet you in the study. We can talk there."

I nodded at him, and he flashed out of the room. 

I had taken a shower last night after the feeding, so I didn't need to take another one when I awoke. I got dressed and went down the steps, meeting him in a small room off to the side of the staircase. When I got into the room, I couldn't help but smile. It was exactly as I remembered it.

The wall that was opposite to the doorway was pretty much just a large window, but had been covered with curtains, likely to protect any of Marcel's nightwalkers that were residing in the compound. There was a large desk in front of the windows, a big leather chair that Marcel had taken a seat in. The desk was the exact same one that had been there a century ago, but it had to have been refurbished since then. The walls were painted a dark red, more like a burgundy. The same colour that I had helped Elijah paint them all those years ago. There were multiple bookcases throughout the room, the shelves filled with hundred year old books and some other trinkets.

"Hasn't changed a bit." I grinned, shaking my head and walking into the middle of the room, towards the two leather chairs that had been placed in front of the desk.

Marcel chuckled. "The only thing that has changed is the records are more updated and I'm in here instead of Klaus or Elijah."

I smiled, and sat down in one of the chairs. "So, where do we start?"

"I was thinking you could start with the fact that I was impaled through the chest, and burned alive." He said, his expression turning completely serious. "And yet, I'm still here."

I bit my lip. "Yes... And?"

"Even a vampire can't survive that, Rose." He said, his lips twitching into a small smile.

I sighed. He caught me. "I put a protection spell on you. After I saw what Mikael had done, I whispered it to myself as Klaus pulled Rebekah and I out of the opera house. I made sure that whatever he did to you, you wouldn't die." I whispered, shaking my head. "But I had no idea whether or not it worked. I told Klaus, but he refused to think that you were alive until he had proof."

Marcel smiled, and stood up, walking around the desk and sitting down beside me. "Rose, without you, I would be ashes right now. It doesn't matter that you left, what matters is that even when Mikael was ready to kill you, you thought of others. Thank you for that."

I felt tears start to form in my eyes, and I wrapped my arms around him. "Marcus had already died because I wasn't strong enough... I couldn't lose you when I knew I had the power to save you. That's all I was thinking about." 

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