XLIII - Welcome Home, Nik?

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Hey hey hey! :D So I might update again either later tonight, or tomorrow. ^_^ Let me know what you guys think. This is more of a filler in comparison to the next chapter.


Chapter Fourty-Three

As an apology for the way I had acted towards Diego in the past, I had convinced Klaus to free Thierry.

I had basically annoyed Klaus until he gave up. However, I think that the thing that made him snap was my mentioning of the little poison-induced coma he put me in.

Klaus was seeming especially happy when he came back, and I had a sinking feeling that something had occurred between him and Caroline. That truly did disappoint me, seeing how I had been so happy that he was beginning to care for the mother of his child in a way that was more than just unfortunate acquaintances.

Klaus and I both went down to the garden, and I was the one that broke all of the bricks. When a good amount was torn away, I pulled the stake out of his chest and fed him some O negative from a blood bag. He woke up quickly, his eyes widening when he saw that he was freed, and his eyes darkening when he saw that it was Klaus who had come with me.

I gave him a new set of clothes, and we left the room while he changed. When he came out, I grinned at him and grabbed his hand, leading him back to the abattoir.

When we reached it, Klaus was the first to speak.

"Dearest brethren," he started. "Your attention, please."

I led Thierry into the middle of the building, smiling at the other shocked vampires around us while Klaus moved up beside me.

"No doubt, you're all surprised to see Thierry Vanchure, who's supposed to be rotting in the garden for the crime of killing one of our own. But after some extensive convincing from the incredibly annoying-" I swatted him on the back of the head, and he snickered. "I mean persuasive Roseia, I have personally issued him with a pardon. I hope you'll all welcome home, Thierry," he smiled, and Thierry walked straight over to Diego with a grin on his face as the two hugged like the brothers they are. "Welcome home, mate."

"You're in a good mood," Marcel stated, raising his glass filled with some type of alcohol to his lips. "You should visit Mystic Falls more often."

"Well, as much as I would like to, I have pressing responsibilities here," Klaus replied. The smile disappeared, and he became more serious. "Now, as you all know, the witch Davina is no longer with us. Without Davina, we can still monitor the activity of our witch neighbours, but to a much lesser extent. However, since their harvest has failed, their magic will soon be gone forever. Until then, I say we keep them on their toes!" he smiled, walking over to Diego. "Diego, I wonder if you might lead a rousting in the cauldron," he grinned.

Diego clapped his hands in a devilishly eager way, and I rolled my eyes. Men. Violence is always the first idea.

I walked to the kitchen, leaving the excited vampires to themselves. I gave up on searching for something that I could eat for breakfast, seeing how I didn't exactly feel up to eating.

I had had a bad feeling in my gut for days now. It was unnerving, and the night before, it had even gotten to the point where my hands were trembling wildly. And even now, they still were.

I made a pot of tea, stirring it slightly. The movement had actually calmed me a little, but not very much.

When I had a cup of the warm liquid, I blew on it until the steam began to disappear. I leaned against the counter while I drank, and I was about halfway through the cup when I heard footsteps heading towards the kitchen. I forced a soft smile onto my lips when I saw Elijah come through the doorway, and he gave me an inquisitive look when I did.

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