CVI - Broken Things

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This was... I dunno. Maybe fluffy? I liked writing it, anyway. :)

Enjoy. ^_^

Just so everyone knows, the fanfic awards are still open. :)


Okay, bye. :')


Chapter One Hundred & Six

Everyone that had been captured and used by Eva were alright, but Rebekah still felt the link to this children and Josephine.

That was one of the reasons why she wanted to stay in Eva's body. But she also wanted to be a witch for a while, she wanted to help bring Kol back.

Freya had officially been accepted into the witches' of New Orleans, as had I. I had asked Josephine why she would bring me into the family they had, and she said that it was because I had put others above myself. I had put the lives of the young witches, Josephine,, and Rebekah above my own safety. So, now, I had a large pendant around my neck, and the backing of the same witches that only a little over a year before, I had threatened. They had forgiven me, and I was happy that they had. They didn't care that I was a hybrid, they cared about me in the same way that the Mikaelson's did. They took me as I am, and I knew that, now, I had even more family members than I did before.

Elijah laid a hand on my waist, grinning at me as the rest of the witches clapped for both Freya and myself.

He made a comment on how cold I was, and asked me if I wanted his jacket, but I said no. I told him I was fine, even though that was a little bit of a lie.

During the small celebration that we all had, every single parent of the children we saved came and thanked me for my help, some of them even going as far as to embrace me and cry tears of happiness at what we had done. The gravity of Freya and I's actions hadn't truly hit me until I saw those children all standing in the room. They had been missing for such a long time, being used, and now, they were home. They were with their families, the people that thought they were gone forever. I could imagine what that was like, I had felt it before. I had been convinced that I lost Elijah, and it was enough to make me get rid of my  emotions all together.

They would never feel that pain again.

Elijah led me out to the car, saying that he was proud of me. I simply smiled, saying that he had as much to do with the safe return of those children as I had, but he just shook his head.

We went back to our apartment, where we had gotten rid of my bedroom and made it into a library. We had decided that, since we were now together, it was pointless to have a room that was completely separate. So we just bought a small dresser for me and put it beside his, seeing how I didn't have a large selection of clothes. I hated shopping, I did it as little as possible unless I was convinced to go to some kind of party with the Mikaelsons. I slipped a few dresses into Elijah's closet, and just smiled at him when he said I should go and buy myself some other things too. He wanted to spoil me, but knew I wouldn't let him.

I poured us two glasses of red wine, which he grinned at and clinked glasses with me when I handed it to him.

"Cheers," he said, and I smiled at him.

I swallowed about half the glass, and he chuckled

"Slow down, darling," he said.

"I need something to take the edge off," I sighed.

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