XXXVI - Also Unfortunate

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:') This chapter made me laugh a little. 





DOUBLE UPDATE. 'Cause this chapter is boring and short.

Bye. :)


Chapter Thirty-Six

The next morning, I rushed to get dressed and went straight to Elijah's old room, knocking on the door while practically bouncing in excitement.

He opened the door, seeming startled to see me, especially when I threw my arms around his neck happily. "It worked! He forgave you!" I grinned.

He chuckled, nodded and wrapping his arms around my waist. "Yes, for now, he did."

I paused for a second, then my eyes widened a little. "Uh... Elijah..." I had been so excited to have him around again that the fact that I no longer sensed Davina's power in the abattoir.

"What is it? Are you alright?" he instantly became worried, his eyes doing a quick once-over to make sure I wasn't hurt or anything.

"I'm fine, it's just... I can't feel Davina. Usually I'd be able to sense her and her power when it's near me, and I can't."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that either my powers are suddenly defective, or she's run off."

His lips pursed, and he sighed a little before nodded. "I think the latter is more likely. Come," he said, taking my hand and leading me down the hallway to Davina's room. And of course, she wasn't there. And neither was her violin, the one that belonged to her best friend and crush, Tim.

We heard Klaus and Marcel talking as we went to the study.

"You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to know the obvious; our secret weapon has escaped," Klaus said, seeming quite annoyed.

"She wouldn't just leave. She knows the witches want her back," Marcel stated.

"The violin is missing," Elijah said as we entered the room. "She may have left of her own volition."

I stood beside Elijah, right as Marcel walked right up to him. "What did you say to her in the attic? She lied to my face so that she could stay up there, thinkin' that you'd help her control her magic. How do we know that you didn't take her?"

"He didn't take her, Marcel," I said, narrowing my eyes at her.

Elijah glanced down at me before nodding to Marcel. "I have no idea where Davina is, or why she ran away. Can I suggest you take a step back?"

Marcel narrowed his eyes a little, then backed down and walked away.

"I can assure you, I have absolutely no desire to see that child come into harm's way. She's suffered enough with this harvest ritual nonsense."

"That child, to whom you refer so affectionately, is the second most powerful witch in New Orleans. If she's fled, what's to stop her from destroying us? In fact, destroying all we've worked for? No, if she's not a friend to this family, then she is our enemy."

"She is a friend, Klaus. You know that," I told him.

"Well, let's hope so. Lucky for you, I know how to get her back. Follow my lead."

Klaus walked out of the room, and Marcel was going to follow him, when I stopped him. "You know Klaus as well as I do. If he thinks that she's a threat, then his few morals go straight out the window."

Elijah nodded. "This will not bode well for Davina."

"I'm not gonna let anybody lay a finger on her," Marcel said.

"Nor will I," Elijah stated.

I bit my lip, and watched as Marcel left. "I could do a locator spell, but it's likely that she will try to block it."

He nodded. "Unfortunately."

"I guess we'll just have to do this Klaus' way."

"Also unfortunate," he sighed.


The music in the streets was loud, with everyone dressed in costume and dancing the night away. I loved the songs, and I really just wanted to dance with the many people. But I couldn't, I had to find Davina.

Klaus and Marcel were off on their own, while Elijah and I both looked together. We couldn't find her anywhere, not with this many people, especially considering that almost every single person was wearing a mask or had their faces painted.

I felt my phone buzzing, and unlocked it before showing Elijah the message that Kieran had sent me. "He's going to let Marcel know if anything happens."

Elijah nodded in reply, while Klaus and Marcel came up to us.

"Well, you two look rather cozy," Klaus smirked, glancing over at Elijah, then looking down at me.

"She was probably just telling Elijah that we're wasting time," Marcel said, seeming to get increasingly annoyed.

"You don't like festivals?" Klaus smirked.

"I don't see why not," I heard a familiar person coming up to us, and smiled when I saw Rebekah. "Who doesn't love a street fair?"

"Sister," Klaus said. "Come to help us find our stray?"

"We can't let your secret weapon get into the wrong hands, can we?" Rebekah said coolly to Nik.

"For the record, we're moments away from retrieving her," Klaus smirked.

"I recognize that tone of voice, Niklaus," Elijah said. "Clearly you have some diabolical machination, what is it?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Yes, Nik, what are you up to?"

Klaus just sent us a fakely innocent smile before walking away, and going towards a person that I happened to recognize. I groaned, shaking my head and rubbing at one of my temples.

"Who is he?" Elijah sighed.

"Tim. Davina's crush."

Klaus compelled Tim, then pulled out a phone and turned over to us before speaking to the person on the other line. "Joshua, my most disappointing minion," I realized that it wasn't his phone, it was Tim's. "I suspected you wouldn't answer the call, were it from me."

"Klaus, hey," Josh said nervously. "What up? Guess what? I just moved to Turkey. Weirdly, they don't eat turkey here. Go figure."

"You're lying," Klaus stated. "In fact, Marcel and I were just chatting about your failed double-agent status, and we've summarized that you're likely still in town and in the company of a friend: a young, angry witch."

"Nope, no witches here. Totally digging Turkey, though," he said. This kid really was a terrible liar.

"Are you really gonna leave Davina's fiddler soulmate, Timothy, alone with me? Oh, Josh. What would she think of that? I assure you that I just want to talk to her. Tim and I will be at the compound. I really do hope she comes home soon," and with that, he disconnected the call, then handed the phone back to Tim.

This is not going to turn out well.

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