XLVIII - Sanitorium

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But at the same time, I also got inspiration for a Rolijah scene. :') So I guess it works out well.

The song for this chapter is "Dead To Me" by Simon Curtis. It isn't really in the right context, but oh well. :') It kinda describes Marcel and Rose's relationship after this event.

Enjoy! ^_^


Chapter Fourty-Eight

We searched through the books for at least two hours, finding multiple names that were on Elijah. He glanced at me before turning to look at Marcel. I glanced down at the book, and knew that he was going to ask Marcel about Brynn.

"Marcel, here's another name from our list," he stated, turning to face Marcel. "Um, Brynn Devereaux. Says here that she drowned herself some twenty years ago. Do you recognize the name?"

"Brynn? Yeah, yeah," he said, seeming to know her. "We used to hang out, knock around a bit."

"No details, thank you," I said, continuing to look through other lists.

"She used to do some spells for me now and then. Girl had power. Cursed a whole pack of werewovles just 'cause they were pissin' me off," he said, walking around the boxes and closer to Elijah. "Speaking of, what do you think Klaus is gonna do when he finds out that you left him to suffer while you saved Hayley and her wolf friends?"

Elijah looked over at me, then back at the book before replying. "Let's avoid discussing matters that are not your concern, shall we Marcellus?"

"Oh come on, Elijah. I got guys all over the city. You honestly think that I don't know that the Crescent wolves had their little family reunion out at the plantation last night? Thanks for lettin' the house burn by the way, good riddance. But my question is: what's Hayley doin' with that bunch?"

"Elijah saved Hayley and the wolves because I asked him to, Marcellus. And if you do anything that will cause even the slightest harm to Hayley, you will pay for it with your life. I can guarantee that," I muttered, looking up from the list to stare right at him.

"Okay, I see I hit a nerve. And just when the three of us were gettin' along," he smirked.

"We were right," Elijah whispered, his finger stopping on one name in particular. "Every name upon my flesh signifies witch who died by her own hand. All but one," he said, turning the book so that both of us could see it.

"Clara Summerlin," Marcel seemed confused. "Ring any bells?"

"None," Elijah stated.

"Okay, well if she didn't off herself, then how'd she die?"

"Influenza," Elijah replied. "Epidemic of 1919."

I started to remember it. That was the name of someone that I knew. Well, not someone that I knew, but someone that I had definitely heard of.

Elijah suddenly looked down at his arm, raising his right sleeve. The names began to disappear, and he raised his now completely cleared arms up. "I suppose we have our answer. Only I have no idea what it means."

"I've heard of her..." I muttered. "But I can't remember who she is."

"Hopefully it'll come to you soon," Elijah said. "We should get back to the compound."

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