XLVII - Inhabited

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But now I have to go back. So I hope that you guys vote and comment on this so I can actually smile once or twice today. :)



Chapter Fourty-Seven 

Today was one day that I was absolutely delighted to be a hybrid. But at the same time, I felt guilty.

Because I was a hybrid, I was able to push the werewolf venom out of my body in less than six hours. But for Rebekah, depending on how many bites she has, it could easily take more than a day for her. And the worst part is that we have no idea where she is, so for all we know, she could be getting attacked by even more wolves.

I showered and got the blood off of me, then got dressed quickly, bringing my black leather jacket along with me. I went downstairs to see Elijah talking to Marcel. He looked like he was about to leave. When he heard me coming, he did a double take from me, then to Marcel, then right back to me.

"Roseia, you should stay here," he said.

"Klaus and Rebekah are missing, and those damned witches tried to kill Hayley, her baby, and her friend. I'm coming," I growled.

He looked like he was about to argue, but then simply nodded reluctantly. "We're going to the cemetery. I'm told that there is a consecration happening, and that Monique Devereaux is there."

I nodded to him, and before long, we were at the cemetery. Elijah threw a random guy to the right, then sped in front of two men and elbowed them in the throats. Then, being Elijah, he casually fixed his suit like nothing had happened. I couldn't help but be impressed. He was quite the guy.

"My siblings have been taken. Where are they?" he asked Monique, who had stood her ground while all the other funeral attendees backed away.

"You're interrupting my aunt Sophie's consecration," she said, feigning anger. But she wasn't angry.

"How did this happen?" Elijah asked, moving closer to the tomb and inspecting it closely, while I narrowed my eyes at the teenager.

"Aunt Sophie was a casualty of war."

Something was wrong with her. She was... Dark. And dangerous. Something was different about her. She seemed... Well, she seemed evil. And I wasn't sure why. It was probably the ancestors. They had gotten into her ear while she was dead. And now, she was doing their bidding with Celeste.

"Monique, I recommend you give me what I want. Unless of course, you'd like Roseia and I to level this place and everything in it," he said, seeming to push the thoughts of the dead witch out of his mind.

"That won't be necessary," Monique said. "I have a message for you. From Celeste."

I moved closer to Elijah when Monique's hand raised.

Elijah winced and began to pull at his tie and collar, and I looked over at him to see that a name had burned and tattooed itself onto his chest, just above his heart. 'Theresa'. He winced when it started again, and pulled at his shirt cuff and sleeve. He pulled it up and two other names were exposed.

And 'Sabine Laurent' was one of them.

He looked at me worriedly, then back at Monique with an angered expression.

"To find what you're looking for, follow the path she left behind," Monique stated mysteriously.

I glared at her, looking down at the names again. "We need to go, Elijah," I said. "Now."

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