Chapter 11: Housewarming

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Waking up to the smell of breakfast cooking was a new experience

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Waking up to the smell of breakfast cooking was a new experience. When it was just Tony, Pepper, and I, we would only ever have breakfasts that took less than five minutes to make. Sitting down together in the morning was a very rare occurrence.

I walked into the kitchen fully expecting Tony to have hired a cook for some kind of welcome party. Instead, it was actually Steve, Mr. I-Was-Stuck-In-A-Chunk-Of-Ice-For-Almost-Seventy-Years.

Steve immediately acknowledged my presence and said, "Good morning, Kylie."

I circled the island countertop before looking over Steve's tall figure to see what he was cooking up for us.

"Pancakes!" I cheered once I saw him ladle the thick batter onto the skillet. 

Steve's hand flew to his ear and I was hit with the strongest uppercut of all time. I staggered back and brought my hand under my chin to soothe the pain. I was afraid that if I opened my mouth, my teeth would fall out.

"God, Kylie!" he groaned, rubbing his ear. He gave me a glare but became worried when he saw that I was in pain. "I'm so sorry!"

I waved my hand in the air and yelped, "No, I'm fine. Just hurt a little." 

"Let me see you," he said, taking my face in his hands. His palms were warm from being so close to the stove all morning. 

He gently turned my head from the left to the right, looking intently at the redness forming on my jawline. Finally, he tilted my head back to check the underside of my chin. 

"I swear, I'm fine," I told him. 

"I'm really sorry. It's going to look worse in a little bit," he sighed. 

"She's an assassin. She's fine," Bruce called out from the couch.

I hadn't realized that he was there all this time just reading a book.

"I survived worse."

"But you look so hurt," Thor, who was sitting opposite of Bruce, cooed in pity.

"I got uppercutted by a super soldier! I think I'm allowed to express my pain!"

Bruce turned back to his book. "And I thought I had anger problems."

"Heard that!"

With a snort, Bruce commented, "If you keep that attitude up, you'll turn into a big green monster in no time."

My eyes widened with curiosity. I skipped over to Bruce and sat across from him, shooing away Thor from his seat. He sent me a mean glare and joined Steve in the kitchen. 

"But seriously, how cool is that? Transforming into a giant with super strength? I'd kill to have that."

"Oh, you'd definitely be doing a lot of killing," Bruce nodded. "It's very cool that I'm a mindless monster whose only job is to smash things. I deserve having a break from reality. Being a lean green killing machine is perfectly a walk in the park."

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