extended summary + pre-note

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Agent Kylie Jennings was not always a moral, (mostly) level-headed, and kind person. In fact, that noble version of herself only started a mere few years ago. 

In her early life, she was broken in more ways than one. She spent the rest of her teen years trying to rebuild herself and trained to be like the tough men in the movies so that no one could ever hurt her again. 

All that would go to waste when she fell in with the wrong people. 

There, she broke herself all over again just for a sense of belonging in a time of vulnerability. She turned herself into a void, incapable of emotion or remorse. 

She became one of the world's top contract killers, landing her in the crosshairs of one particular organization: S.H.I.E.L.D.

One very unfortunate night led to her capture. To regain her freedom and avoid a death sentence, she offered to be of service to the agency. It was to save herself, but little did she know that she would end up saving thousands more.

After many failed attempts, a man by the name of Agent Phil Coulson finally got through to the heart that was still beating inside of her. From that day on, she began to fix herself once again and promised to never stop.

She became a whole new person. Someone with aspirations, friends, and a stable life. Put simply: she was happy.

Although, there was one thing she's never envisioned for herself since her time as a killer, and it was love.

One man would pop into her life, originally as an assignment, but would later turn into something more. After years of being an incurable mess, she couldn't possibly let him in that easily.

It was surely a bad thing to let herself feel affection once again.


hey yall, 2amthovghts here.

thank you for clicking on my story, and i really hope you enjoy them!

this story is like hella years old so forgive me pls but the writing or whatever progressively gets better. i hope.

also, i know the name is very close to kylie jenner but i wrote this story before i knew who she was LMAO. i got the last name from a show and thought the name kylie was pretty.

don't forget to vote on the chapters you enjoyed :)

and don't be afraid to comment! i really enjoy reading those and they make my day. i love seeing reader reactions to my writing.

have fun reading my book, and enjoy!


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