Chapter 37: Rage

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Sam and I returned to the hotel after a dead end at the apartment complex. We suspected that it was a way to throw us off and he'd just disappear somewhere else.

Frankly, the two of us felt stupid for not considering that he was playing us.

"We'll get him, Steve. Just got to stay for a few more days and we'll find him," Sam sighed, plopping down on the other bed.

I trudged over to the bathroom and gripped the sides of the sink counter. I angrily kicked the door closed and began to wash my face.

As the water trailed down my face and back into the sink, I imagined my worries going down with it. It was something that Kylie had taught me to do, which she learned from therapy. It didn't work and sometimes I'm unsure whether it worked for her either. I lifted my head and stared at my reflection in the mirror.

I couldn't tell what bugged me more: getting played by the Winter Soldier yet again, or knowing my girlfriend is putting herself in imminent danger for my sake. Both equally made my blood boil.

After spending quite a while in there, I walked out to see Sam flipping through the hotel's channels.

"There's no good shows I can understand, but I'll settle for this weird drama," Sam laughed, throwing the remote to the foot of the bed.

He spent the next twenty minutes or so occupied with the drama. I watched along with him, but couldn't find it nearly as funny as he thought it was.

All I could really think about was Kylie and the last words she had said to me. Sam seemed to have noticed too.

"Don't you think that you were a bit harsh on her?" he asked as he turned to face me.

"Not at all. I told her that I didn't want her to be in the way of danger," I huffed.

I was not about to get into a second argument.

"I mean, she's just looking out for you, Steve. You're lucky to have a girl like that, especially one who is as badass as she is."

I looked down and nodded. "I know. It's just that I don't think she should get herself involved."

"The girl's worried about you, Steve. I've seen her cry about you almost dying. I think that she's justified in coming here. In fact, I wish that you had let her," he admitted.

Even in my own thoughts I was afraid to admit that Kylie had good reason to follow the two of us here.

I had been so afraid of her getting hurt again that I thought it completely overshadowed her fear of me dying. Both of our fears stemmed from each other's encounters with the Winter Soldier.

I let out a deep breath. "I know she's justified, and that's the thing. I don't want her here because I'm afraid of losing her too."

"She can take care of herself. Master assassin, remember?"

I sat up straight and kicked my legs over the side of the bed to look straight into Sam's eyes. The sudden seriousness caught him a bit off guard, but listened intently to my next words.

"I know that. But what I haven't told you or anyone for that matter is that I'm deathly afraid of her dying too. Bucky could have easily crushed her throat with his vibranium arm but he didn't. Then he shot her and she could have bled out. I don't want that to happen again," I explained.

"It's exactly why she wants to put herself into this search, too. She wants to find him so that you wouldn't put yourself in harm's way. She wanted to be there to make sure you were alright and have your back."

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