Chapter 27: Washington

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Major time jump here, enjoy another chapter done by a sleep-deprived me at midnight!


Washington D.C.

It's been almost two years since Steve and I decided to give us a shot, and let me tell you, it did not disappoint. We were insanely happy together. I'm talking date nights, days inside, cute surprises, and everything else you could really ask for. 

We still had our fights, and quite a few. Usually they were about work, and our decisions during missions. He was the cautious and I was the reckless, so that would obviously give us our differences. 

I'd be lying if I said that our relationship was smooth sailing, because we did have a bunch of bumps in the road. A good portion of it was me second-guessing everything, and thinking that everything would turn out to be just like every other relationship I was in. But of course, Steve was there to convince me otherwise. 

There were also those minor times where Becky from Intel would flirt with him, and it would take all my willpower to not waste her right then and there. I set her straight one day, and Steve didn't take it very well due to my choice of words. Fury wasn't very happy too, but still did not react as badly as my boyfriend. 

I'm supposed to be a model agent, whatever that meant.

And here we are now, residing in beautiful Washington D.C. We own an apartment together and it's not very far from the Triskelion. Though we've been here for about six months, we were not able to actually explore. Our line of work is just too damn demanding. 

Unfortunately, living with the rest of the team wasn't an option. Steve, Clint, Nat, and I were being reassigned. Thor did go back to Asgard, but Bruce stayed with Tony for a while to help out with Stark Industries. It broke our hearts to split up after living with each other for over two years, but we knew we'd work together still. 

More bad news: We didn't go on a single mission together since we moved out. 

Good news: We keep in touch with a group chat, but unfortunately without Thor. Still trying to figure that out. Tony offered to install Wi-Fi on his planet, but we ultimately shut it down. Thor just pops in from time to time.

I missed the Avengers Tower a lot, and it saddens me every time I think about it. But what keeps me happy is the fact that I have half of the team still with me. It's a bit selfish, considering the other half is pretty lonely. 

Currently, I was in the apartment alone cooking dinner for me and Steve. He was out doing some business, while I had a day to myself. 

Usually, you'd think that I'd use this day to actually go out and find cute places to relax or eat at in this new city, but I slept in the whole day and only woke up to eat. I am living the life. 

As I danced around the kitchen to the songs played on the radio, my cell phone began to ring. I rushed to the counter on the opposite end of the kitchen. I picked up the phone and croaked out a simple "Hi." 

"Hey, baby," Steve greeted, his voice uneasy. 

I sighed, knowing what his tone could mean. "What is it?"

"I won't be able to make it back tonight. We're caught up in this assignment. I'm sorry," he explained. 

I frowned, very upset with the fact that I spent my time cooking for a cute surprise. "It's alright. I'll see you when you get back, okay? Be safe, I love you."

"I love you, too. I'll be home soon." And with a click, the line goes dead. 


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