Chapter 42: If You Liked It

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2 months later

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2 months later

My energy burned a bit brighter today, because I actually got my cast off and was officially back to top shape. As good as new. Even though I was not able to go back into action for another couple of months, I was content with going about my daily chores normally. No cast in the way of my shower, no bandages to replace every few hours.

It was the last victory from the internal battle that ensued after escaping the Hydra base. I kicked physical therapy in the ass, the nightmares became less frequent, and now my body is whole.

The only thing that wasn't perfect anymore was my situation with Steve.

Lately he's been out of the apartment a lot, and he sure as hell did not have any type of urgent missions. SHIELD was still disbanded. We didn't even begin the recruitment stage yet due to my setbacks. There was no reason for him to be out so much.

He's been very quiet and nervous around me. When I'd ask about where he'd been, he would tense up and stutter. Then he would excuse himself to go into the bedroom, where he would then call someone up.

It might have been about Bucky moving out a few weeks ago. The former assassin had told us that he wanted more time to figure things out himself, and he'd reach out to us if he needed anything. Steve seemed fairly okay with it, so I doubted that he was acting all weird because of it.

Of course I'm not thinking that he's cheating or anything. Honestly, he never could. He loves me too much, and I know it.

I'm just wondering why he couldn't talk to me about whatever was clawing at him. He was always so adamant about not keeping things in. It was completely and utterly odd that all of a sudden he wouldn't practice what he preached.

But of course, I didn't want to pry it out of him so I'd drop subtle hints for him to talk to me. He didn't bite.

My phone began to ring, and it was Tony. I supposed that he was just checking up on me. He still thought that the events two months ago was all his fault. It saddened me, really. He was beating himself up about it too much.

"Hey, Tony!" I beamed.

"Ky, do you mind doing me a huge favor?" he asked, his tone being a bit unsure of himself. "I need you to get on a helicopter and come over to the Avenger's tower. I need your opinion on a new floor remodel before unveiling it to everyone."

The mention of a brand new floor I was absolutely excited about was enough to make me bounce enthusiastically. He told the team his plan one day while I was in the hospital, and I was highly anticipating the finished product.

I quickly agreed to Tony, and stayed put in my apartment while he flew over. For the remaining ninety minutes, I finished up my cleaning and got ready.

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