Chapter 43: Resurrected

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Steve and I decided on a wedding date six months from the proposal. It was a considerable date for it, especially because it was only a small ceremony and reception. It's not like we had a lot of people left to invite, anyway.

We only began to start planning it about an hour ago while Steve cooked lunch. So far, Tony had offered to fix up a floor of the tower for us and Thor even offered to bring something from Asgard. The whole team was so adamant on contributing to the event.

"What do you want the wedding colors to be?" I asked Steve.

I scrolled through images of wedding decorations and set-ups. There was one in particular that caught my eye. It was a beautiful white arch with white and soft pink flowers perched on the left curve and right post of the frame. I quickly dragged the picture into a folder on my desktop labeled Ideas.

"Maybe —"

"Steve, if you say red, white, and blue, I will walk out of this apartment."

"I wasn't going to," he muttered under his breath. "Geez, you become a patriotic symbol and all of a sudden you eat, breathe, and live for America."

While he went on a quiet rant, I laughed to myself and continued scrolling through the various ideas. My bottom lip jutted out as each undesirable image flew up and out of my view. Nothing else had caught my eye, and I began to feel hopeless.

"White is a wedding color, right?" Steve questioned, popping up behind me to see the progress on the screen.

I sighed. "Yes, babe. That is why my dress will be white."

He tried to insert himself into as much of the planning as possible, even though he had no idea what was going on. It was cute and I admired his efforts, so he got a free pass whenever he'd ask stupid questions.

"Speaking of, did you go dress shopping yet?"

"I have an appointment in a week. Nat's gonna come with me."

Someone began to pound on the door, and I snapped my head up to meet Steve's unsure eyes. With a raised eyebrow, he carefully opened the door.

Fury stood there in the doorway, his expression slightly grim. There might as well have been a dark storm cloud hovering above his head. I thought that it was important, so we let him in and he strolled over to our round table.

"Jennings, there's something that I feel like you should know," Nick Fury slowly said to me, taking a seat on the opposite end of where I was.

I nodded, slowly shutting my laptop out of respect for the serious tone that filled the room. He didn't speak right away, but instead tapped his fingers anxiously on the table. There was a look in his eye that I could only describe as conflict. Whatever he had to tell me was something that he wasn't even sure that I should know. His whole aura had me fiddling with my thumbs.

"Spit it out, then!" Steve hollered, clearly as impatient as I was.

Fury took a quick venomous glance at my fiancé, a small grumble leaving his lips. "I need you to come with me to one of our secret bases."

"Huh? That's it?" I shrieked, baffled by the misleading tone of everything.

"She's pregnant!" Steve shouted quickly after, striding towards the two of us.

"I'm not!"

"Yeah, just kind of don't want her getting in trouble. Been there, done that."

I released a groan and threw my head back. When I opened my eyes, an upside-down Steve stood there with an awkward smile spread out on his face.

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