Chapter 16: Decision

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After talking with Steve, I learned to accept what had happened in my past, and it ultimately led to my decision

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After talking with Steve, I learned to accept what had happened in my past, and it ultimately led to my decision.

Well, it wasn't exactly after we talked. It was after hours of contemplation and angry tears. Not to mention me throwing knives at the wall.

I heard a faint knocking sound on my door, and opened it, revealing Tony. 

"Yeah, hi. I'd appreciate it if you didn't make so much noise while you throw your little tantrums," he said with a sarcastic smile. 

"Sorry," I sighed, not having the energy to say something snarky back. 

He took notice of my puffy eyes and decided to ask about it. He placed his hand on the door, preventing me from closing it. "We all know about your dad. You left the letter on the floor. I don't know if I should say I'm sorry for your loss."

"I don't know if you should, either," I muttered. "You know he wasn't a good person."

"Sometimes we still hold onto the good parts of the people that have hurt us."

That made me start to cry once again. I brought my hand up to cover my eyes. "They asked me to come to his funeral to give me something he left me in his will."

"And you don't want to go? Perfectly understandable. Must be tough to be asked that." 

"Why would I want anything to do with a man who killed my mother and killed so many other women?"

"I'm really not a therapist, but if you want my two cents, I say go. Maybe you'll get some closure. It's the only thing you really need right now because judging by how you're talking about him, you didn't get any. Probably didn't even respond to his letters."

I sat on the edge of my bed and exhaled loudly. 

"How can I just walk in there?"

Tony sucked in a deep breath. "It's your choice. Hell, you could go kick his corpse if you want to. But as your friend, I want you to make the choice that's best for you. Choose your peace."

I smiled slightly at him. "Thank you."

"And we'll all be here for you," Natasha smiled, standing with the rest of the team in the doorway. 

"Wow. I do not have any privacy here, do I?" I chuckled.

Clint sat next to me and wrapped his arms around me. "Nope. Not a chance."

"We'll come with you to his funeral, if you want," Steve offered, giving me a reassuring grin. 

I stood up, giving everyone a hug. 

"I'd love that. Thank you guys. You're like the fa—"

"Family you never had. Yeah, very original," Bruce finished. 

I shot him a playful glare but the smile that creeped onto his face was enough for me drop the act.

That Saturday, we all dressed up in proper funeral attire: black everything. The men cleaned up nicely. They wore black suits with a white dress shirt underneath with shiny black shoes. Tony, of course, didn't like looking so similar to the other men, so to add a little bit of personality to his outfit, he wore a black bowtie instead of a regular one, and his suit had more gold accents than usual. Nat and I just wore simple black dresses. 

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