Chapter 14: Confession?

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"What's going on?" I asked, joining the team in watching a movie

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"What's going on?" I asked, joining the team in watching a movie.

"It was so quiet," Natasha groaned quietly, squeezing her eyes shut to mourn the loss of a Kylie-free zone.

"I'm sorry for ruining the peace," I said sarcastically, reaching over Bruce and Tony to get a handful of popcorn. 

They were cuddled up on the couch and the floor watching a romantic comedy that came out recently. It was the usual plot of the boy getting the girl, the boy losing the girl, and finally, the boy getting her back. I walked in during the redemption scene where the boy was apologizing for all of his mistakes. Apparently he was successful because the sunset behind them must have been a symbolic representation of love's beauty.

"Oh, John, I love you so much," the girl on the screen cooed, nearly in tears. 

"And I love you too, Melissa," he smiled, pulling her into a hug. "I am never letting go." 

They pulled away, gazed longingly into each other's eyes, then leaned in for the kiss. An ensemble of violins crescendoed, telling the tale of the couple that overcame their obstacles.

The entire team looked as if Cupid had just shot arrows through their hearts. Out of all people, Tony actually had his hand over his heart, probably reminiscing moments with Pepper.

Unfortunately, the movie did not at all give me such a feeling. 

Instead, I blurted out, "Seriously?"

"Will you shut up?" Clint demanded, turning his head to me, a scowl on his face.

"Just because your love life is all messed up, don't go insulting our ability to relate to the scene," Tony scolded. "Geez, you expect people to at least be considerate of your feelings."

"Whatever," I huffed, slightly angered that they brought up my failed love life. We turned our attention back to the movie, and the two characters stopped sucking each other's faces.

The man knelt down on one knee, suddenly pulling out a ring, asking, "Melissa, will you marry me?"

"Yes! I do! I do!" she screamed, jumping in his arms and burying her face in his neck.

I tried not to laugh at this cliche scene, but failed. In order to prevent the laugh from escaping my lips, I controlled my breathing and covered my mouth with my hands but the moment my lips parted, I was on the floor.

"This is the most unrealistic thing I have ever seen in my life!" I exclaimed. "Seriously? Did he even know that he was going to talk to her and get married? He's just thinking 'Oh, I'll put this ring in my pocket, it might come in handy today!' My goodness!" I wiped away a tear from laughing too hard, saying, "Wow, give the writers a medal."

"Can we all agree to not watch romantic movies when Kylie is around?" Tony petitioned, raising one hand in the air and using the other to gesture towards me.

"I choose to accept the motion!" Bruce yelled.

"I second the motion!" Natasha agreed.

"The motion is carried: we shall not watch any type of romantic movie with Kylie around."

"That is the dumbest rule ever," I protested, raising my arms in the air.

Thor shrugged. "You are very inconsiderate of another being's feelings, especially feelings about love."

"Not you, too," I groaned. "Come on! You have to agree with me deep, deep down."

"It is unrealistic," Steve whispered to himself, scratching the back of his head.

"Of course he agrees with her," Bruce cackled.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Steve demanded to know.

Natasha pats him on the back and replies, "He means, that the two team members falling in love would obviously agree with each other."

For a minute, I just stared at them with the blankest expression I could ever make, wondering what my next move was. Similar to a Google search, my mind sifted through different ways I could approach the situation and I carried out a plan that could potentially blow up in my face.

I got up from my seat and shouted, "I am totally in love with Steve! Honestly who wouldn't be in love with him? He's the total package: kind, caring, attractive, and a superhero! I'm so in love."

The team, including Steve, had their mouths wide open, trying to process what I just said.

Tony broke the silence, saying, "Was that a confession?"

"No." I rolled my eyes, wondering why an elite group of heroes could not detect sarcasm in my voice. 

I was especially disappointed in Tony due to the fact that he's practically fluent in sarcasm.

When I realized that the team wasn't going to talk soon enough, I excused myself to the kitchen and made myself a snack. Upon my return, all of their eyes were on me. I made a face at them and walked to my room.

Honestly, I was just grateful that my plan didn't end horribly. It went pretty well and got the reaction I needed. Now the team somewhat hated me for playing with their hearts like that. I swear, I'm living with a bunch of teenage girls.

Although, I wondered what Steve had thought of my little stunt. It wasn't too pleasing to be the center of a joke. I began to feel bad for it, and I wanted to apologize to Steve, but couldn't get up to do it.

"What if he actually does have feelings for me?" I whispered to myself. 

Rubbing my hands over my eyes, I began to wallow in a pool of shame and guilt.

What an asshole move, Kylie.

I also remembered that the last time he had feelings for a girl, he was frozen in ice for decades. Boy, was I in for some really bad karma.


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