Chapter 40: Numb

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As I limped my way through halls and doorways, Hydra agents shouted orders at each other to catch me. The only reason why no one caught up to me yet is because I grabbed the guns from the two guards I escaped from and shot anyone who came close.

If I had an unlimited supply, then I could avoid everyone with no problem. Sadly, life wasn't a video game and I was running low on bullets. I knew for a fact that my window of opportunity was closing.

With broken bones, lacerations gushing with blood, swelling, and bruising, I wouldn't be able to defend myself to the best of my ability when the bullets ran out. Hell, I don't think I could even throw a solid punch.

Men came at me from left and right, but I was able to buy myself some time. I disappeared into a room that had an operating table. Upon further inspection, I concluded that it wasn't for surgery. It was for experimentation. Meaning that I couldn't find anything that could actually benefit me except sharp tools and sedatives.

I grabbed a few scalpels for defense and towels to hold to my cuts. I figured that I should be able to hole up in there for a while and get some of my energy back.

I looked up to a corner of the room and saw a camera facing directly toward me. A small light blinked right below the lens, signaling that someone was watching what was going on.

"Agent Jennings, come out and play," a voice sang. The haunting tone of it sent a shiver down my spine.

In a frantic hurry, I stumbled out of the room and away from the approaching steps. This felt like every horror movie I had ever watched, and I did not want to screw up and trip on absolutely nothing.

So I ran and ran until I opened another door and stumbled into another hallway.

It was significantly different than the hall I was just in. This one was brighter, cleaner, but more ominous than anything else. It gave me an uneasy feeling as I made my way down it.

I tried my best to walk lightly, but it wasn't the easiest to do when I was dragging my right leg that had several more cuts than my left. I had to shift the majority of my weight onto my left foot in order to move forward.

The door that was twenty feet behind me burst open, and out came a group of five more men, led by the man who was torturing me. They marched in, their feet moving together as if they were rehearsed in some back room of this building.

I tried to move faster, but was eventually cornered by other men coming in from the other direction.

"There's nowhere to hide, Agent," Blondie teased, stopping a mere two feet in front of me.

"Yeah, but good thing I can throw with both arms," I grunted, using my left hand to throw a scalpel at him.

It hit him right in the chest. I was aiming for his eye, but that would do. After a pained yell, he pulled it right out of his chest and laughed dryly.

"You're adorable. I see why the super soldier fancies you. We share the same interest, but not with the same intent," he sneered.

Before I could react to any movement, someone used a stun gun on me. They must have upped the voltage because I couldn't even feel my body hit the ground. My last memory was of me standing and looking at the Hydra agent's ugly face.


I woke up to a needle being inserted in my wrists.

My head shot up to see Blondie with a smug smile on his face as he shot me up with something. It wasn't to put me to sleep, and I couldn't really tell what it did. I felt normal.

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