Chapter 2: The Avengers Initiative

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Being the Star Spangled Man's personal guard and tour guide wasn't as bad as I thought, except for when I had to explain a bunch of things about modern times

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Being the Star Spangled Man's personal guard and tour guide wasn't as bad as I thought, except for when I had to explain a bunch of things about modern times. Last night, I drove him back to his apartment and passed an establishment that interested him with its bright sign. I couldn't quite get the right words to describe what a strip club was. I didn't even know if they had any in the 40s. 

He seemed to forget about this awkward conversation because he was talking to me perfectly fine as we made our way to a meeting.

"Ah, Rogers and Jennings!" Director Fury exclaimed, greeting us with open arms and a smug smirk. "Sit, sit. Cap, we want you in on an important mission."

Steve leaned forward. "What is it?"

"We need you in the Avengers Initiative," Director Fury answered. He passed us a set of files with names neatly printed on the front: Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Thor, and Natasha Romanoff. I knew Natasha because we were really good friends and she taught me way more than bargained for. I basically owe my life to her.

"The Avengers Initiative?" I questioned. He passed me another file.

Printed in bold letters is the word: Tesseract.

When I opened the file, three pictures fell onto the table. One was what I guessed was the Tesseract: a stunningly beautiful crystal cube emitting blue light. The second picture was a man with black hair that was slicked back. His lips curled into a sinister smile that was almost unnerving. The last picture was a photo of of Clint, one of my friends here at SHIELD, but he looked odd. His eyes, usually set as a bored stare, were blank and clouded over. Just looking at that picture put a weight on my shoulders.

"What did he do to him?" I whispered.

"Loki, the man in the weird clothing, stole the Tesseract. As you know, Agent Jennings, that is what we've been testing on. Howard Stark found it in the ocean while looking for Captain Rogers. And Captain, since you dealt with this in the past, I want you on the team so we know what we're up against. Is there anything we should know?"

"Yeah, you should've left it in the ocean," Steve answered back. Director Fury sighed, slightly annoyed with the attitude. He would always expect that type of reply from me and not the super soldier. It was actually really amusing on my end.

"Rogers, please step outside, I need to talk to Agent Jennings in private." As he left, I shut the door.

"The Avengers Initiative?" I asked. 

"Yes. The Captain is a symbol, remembered forever as America's hero."

"He's a super soldier," I flatly stated. "Mr. Punchy Patriot."

"Please don't call him that. It's an unsettling nickname."

A laugh escaped my parted lips. "I think it's cute. When do we get started?"

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