Chapter 35: What Happened

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Sometimes I felt that rebuilding SHIELD was like a middle-aged woman's book club that discussed gossip.

Fury, Hill, and I sat in my apartment drinking coffee. Though we did talk about the future of the agency, it would lead to conversations that took our mind off of the task at hand. It was highly out of character for us, but it was due to the lack of a tension-filled workplace. Without hundreds of agents going in and out of rooms, we could relax a bit. We didn't need to be looked up to by lower rank agents.

"So then I told Agent Ramon that he shouldn't be flirting with Agent Chambers because she obviously wasn't into him that way and frankly, it was painful to see," Fury cackled, pounding the table loudly with the palm of his hand.

"But they ended up going out on a date," Hill added.

"Yeah, because he begged her. The two didn't talk after that because he spilled wine on her dress. And I told Ramon that SHIELD agents don't date because it is highly inappropriate."

Once he had realized what he said, he widened his good eye and flicked his gaze over at me.

"You know, Fury, I'm surprised you didn't give me a lecture on romantic relationships in the workplace," I laughed, taking a sip of my drink.

The man fought off an amused smile and replied, "You really think that I'd give my most stubborn agent a lecture on that? You wouldn't listen. Plus, I had a bet with Agent Hill about you and Rogers."

"So thanks to you, I was fifty dollars richer," smirked Maria. "I told Fury that Steve would be the one to make the first move."

Fury playfully eyed the other woman.

"I was rooting for you, Jennings. But you let me down."

"I feel honored, Nick," I fake cried.

"Oh, so we're on a first name basis now? After you tried to kill me?"

Agent Hill began to erupt in laughter. "It's been years, Nick!"

I huffed. "I thought you agreed that you'd let it go!"

The door slowly opened, and Steve and Tony stepped foot into the room.

"Heard a lot of laughs. Not enough business talk," Tony sang, shutting the door behind him.

Steve made his way over to me and gave me a quick kiss. He opened the refrigerator and pulled out the orange juice.

"What's going on here?"

"Fury was just telling us about how he lost a bet about us," I answered, giving the one-eyed man next to me a nudge. He scowled and I backed off quickly.

"That reminds me. I owe Bruce a thousand," Tony said with wide eyes.

"I'll gladly collect for him."

"Shut up, Ky."

The arrival of the two men actually got us back on track. Steve told us his own thoughts on the new ideas, and really enjoyed the new Avengers facility. His only change to it was a better kitchen. Tony, of course, gave him a look but ultimately granted it.

To bring the agency back it it's original glory, Agent Hill and I were in charge of recruitment and training. I, the resident assassin, was obviously the person to oversee the combat portion of the academy. Maria took care of basically everything else.

"So I'm going to be a teacher? Hell no. Hell no," I shouted, shaking my head furiously.

"Well, who else, Jennings? Nat and Clint are MIA, Carter is with the CIA. Everyone is out of here!"

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