Chapter 21: Stars

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"Kylie, I have to be in London for this technological conference

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"Kylie, I have to be in London for this technological conference. I'm taking Pepper with me. You're gonna be alone here with Steve," Tony informed me, walking toward the elevator.

I turned my head, facing the man. "Oh, come on! Nat and Clint are away at yet another mission without me, which hurts, by the way. Thor is visiting Jane. Bruce is at his own SHIELD mission. You have to leave too?"

He laughed. "Shut up, you're happy to be alone with Steve."

To avoid him seeing my blushing cheeks, I turned back around toward the television. I decided to shut my mouth, realizing that they all planned to be gone at the same time in a pathetic attempt to get Steve and I to confess our love for each other.

"Just leave!"

"The jet is ready for you, Mr. Stark," JARVIS says.

"Thank you," he tells the intelligence system. "See you in a few days. You better not be pregnant when we get back. We still have to protect the good people of this Earth."

I rolled my eyes and replied, "Wouldn't dream of it."

"Mhm," he trailed off, the elevator door closing.

"Steve!" I called out.

Within a few seconds, he was in the living room, eyes wild as if he saw a ghost.

"What's happening? Are you alright?" he asked, worried.

"You're so concerned, how adorable," I cooed, throwing a piece of popcorn in my mouth. "Everything's fine, just telling you that we're the only ones here for the next few days."

"Me too," JARVIS reminded. 

"You too," I agreed. "You know what's something I always wanted to do?" 

"I don't know, what?" 

"I've always wanted to go out on the helipad of the building with some pillows, a tent, and a blanket and just camp out there. You know, look at the stars, drink some hot cocoa, that sort of thing." 

It was always a dream of mine since I moved in here. I never acted on it because I'd get too lazy and I knew Tony would do something to sabotage it. But since he's not here, I could finally make that dream come true.

Steve's face immediately lit up. A wide smile broke out on his face and I admired it, only being able to think about how perfect he looked right now. 

"Let's do it," he said with an excited glint in his eye. "That sounds amazing."

"You're serious?" 

He laughed, "Of course I am."

I began to jump up and down excitedly with the biggest smile on my face. "Okay, you with your super-strength, go bring all the things we need to the helipad. I'll prepare some hot chocolate and order some food."

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