"My Sere"

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" Wanna hear ?" - asked Ash in an over joyous tone  ,as he made onto the sofa plunging upon it like crazy...
"Master... We are here... We all have seen this smile so long ago , and it has returned .We all are excited what are you going to tell us now " said Lucario who was too curious and excited about the incident . He had seen Serena last night cave , but he was in the pokeball and slept like a log...


"Listen up Close ... Cause this one would blow your minds away ..." said Ash to his Pokemon
( Also applicable to the readers here..XD)


"Ok ...Pokemon Master ...I trust you . Could I be assured of a safe secret ? " said Serena in a gentle tone asking if she could share something in front of the Pokemon Master.
This was unexpected - thought Ash and gulped his words - " Sure ... I m all ears . You can trust me  " replied the Pokemon Master in a quick  gaze from the outside to Serena 's Blue sapphire endless eyes ...


His Auburn , Chocolate eyes felt so assuring , they were heart warming , his words too , I didn't expect him to analyze such fast but him being the Pokemon Master ... Those eyes were somewhat familiar and considered the fact that he saved me from a ditched spot where no one could escape from , I could definitely be placing my trust on him...His slight frown in his eyebrows could be seen when I answered "Its Kinda personal" , But He is a Pokémon master , he has many things to do ...He will surely forget...
"where should I start ? "  I mumbled nervously 
"Start where you see the most recent " he said in an assuring tone..

"First of All , thank you very much ...sir.. for saving my life from the clutches of death ... You did Jump off the cliff right ? " How could I forget that  - I thought
He nodded a yes to which I grasped my hands to mouth.
"You could have killed yourself . Why ? " I asked out of extreme guilt.
"You will know in no time " he replied.

"Hmm .. Yeah It was actually back at Calem's house that this thing started. Actually I ignore my parents a lot , I have stopped living with them , ( he stared with extreme confusion) , actually umm...they think that I have lost memory or something , they always tell how my behavior changed and this angered me a lot , coz I didn't understand it at all ( he was now interested) ...SO I left them be in their place and came here to Calem's house ( he stared with somewhat anger ...I could tell by the look of those eyebrows) ..Wait.. do you thin-k I did a bad thin- g - y ?" 
He sighed and told me to continue .
"Okk ... Now most of the people don't know this ... Calem is not my fiancé ... "
"HUH !! say what ??" he was shocked to know this...
"Yes its true ... actually after becoming the Kalos queen , I got a lot of letters , literally a lot , truck baggage with letters asking about propose , love , dance etc ... I was frustrated at this ...
Until I found the Kalos King , the Champion  , Calem . Calem is a well to do person ( sadly But I can't say the truth here).
He stared at me in confusion .. did he catch me ?
I sighed.
Serena calm down , calm down !!!
"Yeah he is indeed a good fella , a good partner , and shortly I started liking him ( forcefully though) but I liked as he started giving treats and parties..."

"Serena !!! are you sure ? " asked the Pokemon Master with deep approval ...

Ash's POV

She opened up to me . was it some magic I did ? or Serena did remember me ? her words are broken and out of context I can say for sure ...SO I asked her the question .
She was in deep trauma for sure , the looks said it all , the eyes were about to burst into tears in no time .
"Actually , I m lying ... " she cried out in deep guilt with tears flowing out of her ocean blue eyes ..
"Serenaa" I walked up to her and gave a hug ...She needed one though 
"There , there ..let out your tears ...let them flow out ...It will make your heart lighter " I said patting her back and encouraging her..

After a few moments

"Thank you very much sir ... ??" 
"Red ...  Its Red " I lied ..
"Thank you very much sir red ? b- but could I see your face ...I want to know the person who has been so caring and kind to me ... I will not led out a secret ..I promise" she said 
"Find out yourself ..."I said  while lowering to allow her open up my identity...

And the next moment , She laid her final hands on mask until she saw the Person standing right in front of her in awe...

Serena's POV

Now this took me to a huge shock ... the boy I slapped in front of the whole Lumiose city was standing right in front  of me ...I didn't know his name , but his face led me to an old faint memory...
The auburn golden brown eyes , the Z shaped marks right under his eyes , The smile and the messed up raven black hair ...They were an amazing sight in the midnight moon shining right above us tinted with the fire ...I never felt this warm in a while until he spoke up ...
"Uhh Serena ?? " he said 
I immediately realised something and went back to tears .." Why Red ? why ? after so much humiliation you still come up to save me till this ? "
"You would realise one day Serena ... but could I get a seat near you ? you are crying again .."He said 
I never felt this hurt in a while ... how much confidence and heart wrenching thoughts did it take Red to come upto here and save me ..I had done a terrible mistake...
"Sorry very much Sir Red " I said  with extreme guilt and my gaze went below the ground..
He lifted my heads up and said " You can call me Red " .
a cold breeze passed through... A chilling shivering went down my spines...It was cold .

Seeing this I immediately got a warm jacket , most likely like an overcoat ...dropped..
I was shocked at this behaviour ..He got up and went to his place near the fire..
"Redd.. won't u feel cold the night ? " I asked nervously ...
"Naah .. U take it .. You are definitely cold . Have a good sleep . enough talk for one day "


Bright light strikes on my face as I woke up to find myself alone on a comfortable bed , surrounded by day light in the morning ..
Was it a dream ? I wondered . Where am I ? I was looking around for answers until I found a blue overcoat and a protruding letter coming out of the coat as if designated for me...

Dear Serena ,

Sorry for the abrupt exit . But I actually have a lot of chores on my head ...SO have to head on home for a head start ...and don't worry this is a famous Lumiose hotel ...They will take good care of you ...If you wanna talk anytime later just make a call on this number .  I will be sure to pick it up .. Until then bye !!! take care !!

Your Friend , 

The word friend had quite caught me in exquisite happiness . I made a True friend after a lot of time ..Red seems a good guy . I will be sure to catch unto him in recent future for sure..

Ash's POV
and I left her in the hotel... She was sleeping peacefully so I didn't mind to disturb instead left a letter..."I ended . She was so cute ...She did sleep peacefully so she was comfortable ..yes Ash way to go .I giggled.
His pokemon Hugged Ash and he hugged them with complete happiness until Lucario broke the hug..

"Master there is something on the News .. Come and watch it "  squealed Lucario ...


As Ash reincarnates his former self by seeing serena , serena thinks of some one familiar amidst the events ...Will they two meet up and catch up with each other...


How was it ? Mention in the comments ? What is Serena hiding ? Will Ash be able to help her ? just remember this is the starting ...Well Ash certainly didn't tell his pokemon about a thing ...Find out in the next episode what was it ....Until then ..SAYONARA..😊😊 Thank you all..Be sure to upvote ...gives me encouragement..

Peace ✌️

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