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Thank you all for being till now ... and 300+ comments .. I am beyond myself ...Well enjoy the next episode💙Amour is finally here...

Ash and his friends fought up against the flames and the explosions , they made sure none was hurt with the help of his Gardevoir . I was on the top of Kalos academy along with Shauna and other people  who were rescued down there . The young raven haired trainer was bold , courageous , stylish and on the fact handsome , considering he was the  Best Pokemon Trainer , he had a great body and on top of that he wore a mask . A Blue mask similar to the one while saved me that day .

I couldn't help my eyes just stare at the heroics he was doing down there . It was enchanting ,watching him .

Until Two Came flying down grabbing my attention .

"So we meet again  Boy !! huh ? " Said one of the Man .

"Of course ...Why wouldn't I be here ? " said Ash clenching his fist almost whitening his knuckles .

"Look Boy !! I know about you... Why don't you just join us ? We will rule it together .." said the Grunt .

" Team up , huh ? Who teams up with a failure ? " mocked Ash .

"Then We will take it any other way ... Gyarados come on out ..." 

"You too , salamence .. "

"Lucario ... You are up .." Ash replied . 

"OK ... Now HYPER BEAM !!!  , full power .. " said the two grunts to their respective pokemon , but they knew exactly what to do ..

The attack of hyper beam was coming straight at us . It was not aiming at Lucario . It was towards all of us .  I was super freaked out . It was the second time , that I had fallen in such trap once again . I grabbed my hands together and prayed ,as it was  inevitable..


"NOT TODAY ..." 

I ran up fast using my Aura and stood in front of them , absorbing the attack to my hands . It was painful , yet dangerous but I had to take the risk . Lucario was a little tired , Pikachu and Greninja were occupied too , while Gardevoir could not have teleported and formed a protection sphere . 
Yes , Here I am , taking the risk ..

General POV

Ash took all the Hyper Beam soaked in himself while making an dangerous explosion right in front of the crowd .The crowd were shaken by the fact , but there was another lady whose heart was shattering down as she saw the last picture which meant sure death for her love . 

The explosion triggered Serena into a Flashback..

Serena POV

"Mom , Where are you ? " 

"Serena you need to run away ..!!"

"Mom !!! "

"Come unite with your mother ..."

"Don't Touch her , you fool !!!.."

The same raven hair , the Z marks , the chocolate brown eyes ,  and his hand . Was it Ash
Ash had been with me the whole time ?

                            "Never Give up until its over ... " 

I could not handle the barrage of memories which were striking my heart consecutively . I fell ..
Darkness consuming me once again.


"Serena you ok ? " I felt water touch my cheeks as I squinted my eyes adjusting to the light in the room I was in ..As soon the blurry vision gave through.

"Serena ? "  It was Ash . I could not handle his face as he was inches from my head . His eyes were
somewhat watery and tears could be visible on his cheeks which showed the light tint of crimson red adjusting to the golden spectrum of light that moistened the room . His face was perfect with the Z -marks shining in their own beautiful way .

"Glad you are Ok ,  Serena " He gave a golden smile . His smile was my universe . It was so delighting , warming and soothing at the same time . Ash was my soulmate .

"Y - e -ss Ashh .." I stammered . His reaction was a kind of blush , he rubbed his eyes breaking the eye contact and sat on the chair next to my bed
"Serena Yvonne .. Don't you Dare go anywhere without informing me .. " Hye said in a worried tone , as a tear went down his cheek . He was crying ? Ash was literally crying ? I felt a slight tinge in my chest for not telling Ash that I went without informing me ...

"Ash , but - " I was cut off by Ash hugging me tight as I sat on the bed . He was crying ... He was scared , was he scared that I would be killed ? Was he scared that he was not going to see me anymore ..

"No buts ...Serena Its Final .. Promise me that wherever you go please let me go with you " Ash sobbed in my shirt . He was letting down all his tears , until he realised ..

"Sorry Serena ... " His bloodshot eyes looked terrible , they were painful , they were as if he had lost someone very dear .His cheeks flared up and eyes swollen . He was in agony  , fear. Fear of losing someone dear ...

Now it was my turn to boost Ash up . I didn't what to come through at the moment , but the sudden memory of Ash appearing and saving me was enough . I gathered all my courage and then said ...

                                            "Ash ... I remember you ... " 

This shot Ash up , as if he was expecting the Answer from long time . His eyes were teary . I could literally see tears covering my eyes as well ... The environment was going blurry under the emotional tears of mine .

Until then he gave a slight smile .

"Don't you cry Serena ... Its All my fault.." Ash said as he sat with his head down on the same bed as me . His tear droplets were falling on his fists. I could not help but lift his head and made him close to mine . I was crying too ... This was hard for both of us ..

Ash's eyes met me again . I was tearing up , His eyes ,which seemed so energetic a while ago were now in pain . Indescribable pain . I could not help but tear up at my Love Ash ... His hands were holding my body near the waists and my hands were holding his .
"Don't apologize Ash..." I said as our heads met and we too teared up . I could remember the very same Ash who was reckless then , brave and confident and optimistic ...I closed my eyes and so did he ,  until the one eternity moment that was backing us away ... The one moment that could bring us much closer than we ever were . All memories , All reminiscences , All guilts , all fears , all hardships to ALL OF LOVE ...

"Serena ... " he stared. 
"Ash .." I replied with a blush .

Ash was staring right at Serena's blue endless ocean eyes . He could not help but admire the very beauty that drew him in the past . He was always in love with Serena . He gave up for a while after seeing Serena not remembering her , but now ... He was falling . He was admiring her in every possible way . He then lifted Serena's Face up and caressed her hairs untangling them.

Our Lips were inches apart from the moment of eternal love , love which had still not extinguished after the limitless difficulties Ash and I faced , love which could not be described in any other book , Love which could not separate us at all . Love which would bound us two ...
It was this one final moment .

Slowly I leaned in . He leaned in too ...

                                              ~~  Our Lips met  ~~

 I could feel the happiness , the magic , the feelings He had for me . His Lips were soft, moist and warm . His Lips were moving in perfect sync with mine .. The feeling of Love struck me with the most beautiful scenario . It was finally happening . The same Ash from the summer camp had come all along the way today to finally express his true love to me.

Ash felt the same way as Serena did . He was engrossed in the moment of total Love , his fear of losing serena passed away , his pain passed away as he kissed his Love...

As  the two fell deeper into the moment they were sharing . Ash's hands found their way to Serena's waist pushing her closer to him . Serena's hands were now around Ash's neck , her too pushing him closer . Soon the need for air was needed , so they broke the kiss . the two share a blush in their faces . both their eyes shining brilliantly . Although they broke the kiss ,They kept hugging each other.

                                 "Serena  ... I Love you .. " 

                                      " I love you too Ash ... "

The moment could not be more magical . Ash had revived his love once again for his Serena , while Serena re- grasped her feelings towards her Ash .

Both fell on the bed crashing their lips in sync once again . Ash was feeling heavenly after having her Serena back after a long gap . Serena could not help but blush at the Raven trainer's Kiss which meant life long eternity for her . She had not felt happy in such a while . She was once again with her Love . 

Ash and Serena were meant for each other . After all the hardships ,  the pain , the difficulties , the destiny really made its way through the Pokemon trainers who were mature enough to understand mutual love for each other .

"Sere ... "

"Ash... " 


Liked the first amour ? Be sure to upvote ... Be sure to comment your views ... and What do you think Should I try writing Lemons  for this ? In an other book ofc ... Umm I don't know but I can give a try ... Mention this in the comments  as well ... I wanted to bring Amour soon ... So this was a good place , dark Serena had been revealed but Dark Ash is yet to come ... Well if turned emotional mention your fav part ... Stay tuned Until I meet you in the next one .. Adios Amigo..!!!


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