A Visit

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Thank you for the support all of you are giving .. 300 + upvotes .. its beyond a thing .... Great .. lets now head to the story ...


"Hey Shauna !!! What a pleasant surprise ... How did you remember me after so many days ? ".

Shauna was my bestfriend , umm , until my mother passed away . I never got to see her after the incident , neither did she call me anytime later . But today she called , when I was in the mid of opening the " THE SECRETS OF ASH KETCHUM" . She called up the moment I tried to peek in the book , and being her calling after more than 2 years , I could not deny the call either .

"Hey Serena !! how you been doing ? I am totally fine . I was just going through my photo album when I saw yours  with me , so I decided to call ... " she said over the phone .

"Oh , great Shauna ...Well why didn't you call me in 2 years ? I have been eager to talk to you .."

"Serena I tried your phone many times after I heard your mother's incident . But you were nowhere to be found . " 

"Oh .. " I gasped .
"Well past is past Serena . wanna catch up ? " She asked excitedly inviting over .

"Sure .. Where can I find you ... ? " I said as I was eager to meet my bestfriend in years .
"Grab the Metro and come to Coumarine City . We are having a feast at Kalos Academy .."
"Coumarine City ?? "
"Yes Dear , I would be waiting at the metro .. See ya soon .. " 
"Wait Shauna _ ... uh .. " She cut the call . 

Damn it!! Coumarine City was not so far , but the fact that I was being chased by grunts every now and then was the matter .She had invited over . What should I do ? What should I do ? 

"You can go with Ash's Greninja..." said a voice from the door .

"Blue ? Really ? Ash's Greninja ? "I asked .

"Yeah I can tell him later that  you took him for your own safety . Greninja is a great pokemon . He will catch up with ya .." said Blue .
"Gren ... " said Greninja from the door eager to come .
"Thank you very much Greninja and Blue .." I smiled happily with cheers .


"So Doctor ? You know me . Am I correct ? " I threatened the doctor .

The doctor was tied up with his chair . I was sitting on the table facing him . I had locked the door and had the doctor in my grasp . 

"No ... " He whimpered .
"Oh ... Telling lies .. huh ? "I put a dagger right at his neck as he was flinching with pain and fear .

"Better tell me Doctor . or you know the consequences .. " I smirked deadly to make the Doctor tremble about his own words .

"So ... you won't tell huh ? ... guess I should try the more difficult way ..." I ordered Lucario to heat up an Aura sphere and Pikachu to electrocute the chair .

"NO...NO .. I am telling you everything..."

"From the beginning Of course .." I smirked and listened to the doctor .


"Hey Shauna !! Here am I ..." I saw Shauna at the distant platform and waved with full power to let her see me .

"Hey Serenaa ..." She caught up to me panting " Nice to see you after a long time .." She hugged frantically . I hugged with all my might as I was seeing my bestie after couple of years .

"So Where are we going ? " 

Time passed by , I and Shauna walked uptown and wandered around the Coumarine Streets which were decorated for their much awaited " The Tree Festival " . It was a marvelous sight to behold . The lights , decorations , pokemons , the trainers all happy to about the festival . Some had candies  ,foods and much more . The scene couldn't be more vivid . We talked about our wellbeing in the past years , but I didn't tell her about the Calem thing nor the Ash thing . She had lived her life to the fullest . She had become a great pokemon performer over the years after I didn't even participate . My pokemon were with Blue for their care and the Greninja I borrowed was with me . 

"So where are your pokemon ? I haven't seen them in ages .. "

"Umm .. I have one right now ..." I opened the pokeball and the blue bipedal frog with the large water shuriken at its back appeared in front of us.

"Ohh .. Greninja ?? And a different one too ... Seems strong .. You caught it ?"
She asked looking at awe over the pokemon .

"Umm .. borrowed from one of my friend ... Greninja wanted to go somewhere and he had some work , so he came with me ... " I said hesitantly smiling at my own reason .

"Ohh...Great !! Lets now head for the Kalos academy . We are having a feast today .." She squealed with excitement .

"Sure ..." I replied .

The Kalos Academy was one of the top institutes after Pokemon Academy in which I read in . It was big no doubt . It was beautiful now being decorated for the tree festival . The children outside were laughing , playing around evening time , and Some were still helping with the feast fest at the school . There were multiple stalls with different food items and visitors from everywhere . We were totally psyched about the festival . At the entrance me and Shauna took a photo as a memento for I had visited Coumarine City after a long time . 

We just stepped inside , A massive explosion occurred at one of the stalls. And then Multiple explosions started . The shops were being blasted , consecutively . I was about to fall down numb .

"Serena ..We need to Run .. " said Shauna waking me up , but I was too scared .
"Serena ... "
I could not run again , the explosions reminded of something familiar but I don't know what . The bomb was in a chain reaction and was coming straight towards us . Greninja had taken a battle stance around me , but I had accepted my fate . I was going to die .And the next moment , BANG!!!

I clutched my hands in fear and had closed my eyes , then I realised I was not blown off ? Was I dead ?  But I could hear other people talking .

I slowly opened my eyes to witness the blue coated Raven trainer dozing off the flames with his Greninja , and on the Ground stood a heavenly Calm , serene and beautiful Green Gardevoir using psychic to drive people away from the Explosion . Lucario and Pikachu were doing their respective works by comforting people

"Ash ?? " 


30 mins earlier 

"So You are part of Team Flare huh ? .. I should have known earlier ... "   I said as I slapped the doctor .
"When is the Next Attack ? " I enquired harshly
"Kalos Academy ... Coumarine City ... Haha , none will survive .. you will witness the wrath of ..."

"Wrath of ? " 

He fell unconscious .

"Damn it .. Lucario , Pikachu lets go to Coumarine City ... " 

"Sure Master "
"pika pika " 

I opened my phone to see the message by Blue - " Serena has gone to visit an old friend in coumarine city ..She took your greninja for protection .. See ya soon .."

"OH no !! Lucario we have to get fast ... Lets teleport to Coumarine City ..."

??? POV

"My !! My !! .. Looks like someone has appeared right on top of things . Lets make our appearance ..

"Sure Master .. " 

Who are these unknown people ? Will Ash be able to save the Kalos academy ? What will Serena do in these circumstances ? To know Be with the book...


Liked it ? Mention in the comments .. Be sure to upvote ...Random turn of events in just a week huh ? We will be back to school in no time with beating Calem up as well , Calem has a dark secret as well ... Discover. Until I meet you in the next one .. Bye..


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