White liquid

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No answer..... why wouldn't he pick up, Why?

Brendon was sitting on his bed using his laptop. He was speaking way too fast about someone I didn't know or care to know. His speech was like a blur, word after word that all sounded the same, except for when he said "Whore", "Bitch" or any other stereo-typically gay word those were the words were his sassy tone came out like venom.

Brendon was all smiles and diva and I was unsure if I'd like him after a week. I lay down on my side relaxed yet tense I was smiling, thinking of Frank, Frank, I Gerard "Gay" Way had sex with Frank Iero. The sex was worth everything even the separation but why so soon? Why the fuck does life have to extinguish every light in my life, not that frank was extinguished, perhaps dimmed but not extinguished never extinguished. Brendon asked me if I wanted to go get lunch declined. he returned and left again at dinner time not asking me to attend which I was grateful for I didn't want to go anywhere. he opened the door and threw a paper bag at me and said in the sassiest tone known to man.

"Bitch eat" I opened the bag in it was a packet of crisps and a mars bar.

"Thanks" I smiled, he smiled 

Food tasted good. Correction junk food tasted good. Correction Frank tasted best. Frank is best. Always best. Always has always will be. We slept, not together. Brendon woke me up way too early he dragged me down stairs to the cafeteria we ate breakfast. Brendon drank milk, he liked milk alot apparently. So did his boyfriend. I liked a different white liquid. I wanted that white liquid.... now

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