Chapter 12: A Psychic Link!

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Ralts watched over the Pokemon Centre, tired from a relentless day of running around after Ellie and being careful not to lose her in the large city. It managed to hear Ellie's conversation with the Gym Leader and thought it might finally be its chance to become part of Ellie's team. It had seen what Mudkip and Ellie could do and wanted to be a part of it. But, it pondered over whether it was the right choice. It had ended things so sourly last time, it wasn't sure it could go back. But, something interrupted Ralts train of thought.

A bell rang from atop the Pokemon Centre door as Ellie stepped out onto the stairs, wiping off the sand that clung to the surface of the stairs and took a seat. Ralts watched as she gazed up to the stars, unaware of Ralts' existence and sighing. Then, Lucas appeared in the doorway, making small talk and taking a seat next to Ellie. He talked about Mudkip recovering from the battle in the gym, and Ralts was at least relieved to hear that it would be okay. It then turned its attention to the Pokeball on the roof that it had managed to teleport all the way from the camp. It felt personal to Ralts, and the Psychic Pokemon started fidgeting with it, rolling it from hand to hand. Then, one slap too hard and the Pokeball spun off of the edge, landing with a clank against the sandstone stairs.

Ralts looked at the duo with horror as they took notice of the Pokeball and immediately looked up to wherever the source of the Pokeball was. Ralts took a breath, thinking of what to do, and just deciding that there was no point in trying to hide anymore. Ralts shifted and teleported in front of the stairs, appearing and being in full display to the duo, helped by a lit candle in the window behind Ralts. And, their faces were full of utter surprise, and Lucas yelled out loudly,


Ellie turned to Lucas, and then immediately back to Ralts, trying to reassure herself that this was real. She just took a sigh and asked,

"Why are you following us? I thought you didn't want to be part of my team."

Ralts felt embarrassed to be in front of Ellie again and wondered why in Arceus's name it didn't just teleport away. But, it's not like it could teleport away now. It had already done that once, and Ralts knew how Ellie felt because of it. It then looked at the Pokeball, and a sudden thought popped into its head. It reached a connection with the Pokeball and levitated it above the cold floor and into Ellie's hands. Ellie looked at the Pokeball and was initially puzzled, then it clicked. She wasn't sure if it was right, but she might as well try.

"Ralts.", Ellie said, taking a deep breath and then holding out the Pokeball, "Would you like to be a part of my team?"

Ralts nodded, thankful for the opportunity after messing it up the first time, and pressed the capsule of the Pokeball. Ralts emitted a red aura as it became a blob of energy, being transported into the Pokeball. The ball wobbled from side to side in Ellie's palm before remaining still for just a second and popping. Ellie was in awe that it worked and that Ralts had returned to be by her side. Lucas smiled from beside her and said,

"Well, looks like you have another Pokemon now."

"Yeah, I didn't think it would happen so soon, but..." Ellie looked at the Pokeball and said, "I'm glad you came back. I promise, I'll take good care of you."

The Pokeball rattled for a split second, then remained still. Ellie slid the Pokeball into her pocket and said,

"Well, I'm going to go prepare for the rematch at the gym."

"I'm gonna try and do some training with Zorua since it still needs to improve at battling before it can go into the gym."

"Well then, how about a battle between Ralts and Zorua. Me and Ralts still need to do some training to get more in sync with each other."

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