Chapter 74: Team Storm No More!

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Hugo's ears perked up, and he swung around to find Jerry there, with Lucas and Seijo by his side. Hugo looked at Jerry and asked,

"What do you mean? This is our objective."

"I know it is. But, trust me, do not do it."

"Don't tell me these guys have managed to convince you into fighting a good fight that doesn't exist."

"You do not know what that generator does."

"Yeah, I do. It produces an incredible amount of power from Pokemon that Team Storm wants."

"No, it kills the Pokemon. If you press that button, all the Magnemites and Magnetons connected to the machine will die."

"That...can't be true.", Hugo said, his hand suddenly backing away from the button. Jerry continued, explaining,

"You ever wondered why this place was abandoned? They found out the effects of the generator and shut it down because Pokemon got hurt. Pokemon and people died because of this machine."

"And, so, if I turn off the machine, what do we do? We report back to Team Storm saying we decided to turn off the machine to 'save the Pokemon'. They'll kill us on the spot!"

"WE DON'T! We leave this life behind!"

"Come on, Jerry, we can't-"

"Yes, we can! We've been by each others sides our entire lives! We've been through hell and back together, always sticking with each other no matter how much life threw at us! We both hate it at Team Storm. I hate every second I spend there. And, I know despite your 'loyalty', you do too. Please."

Hugo and Jerry shared a moment, looking into each other's souls. Jerry's eyes brimmed with tears, and soon Hugo's did too. He banged his head against the forcefield, screaming as he suddenly activated something on the terminal.

Redistributing power.

"W-Where'd you send it?", Jerry asked, as the forcefield suddenly dropped around the room. Ellie dropped to the floor, coughing and spluttering as she was helped up by both Lucas and Seijo. Hugo took a second, before saying,

"I redistributed all the power back to the Pokemon."

Ellie looked up, upon hearing the words, smiling for a second,

"You did the right thing."

The Magnemites finally began to wake up after the generator, one by one floating away. Intact, alive, and in one piece. The crying Magnemite carefully floated into Lucas' arms, resting comfortably in his arms, continuing to sob quietly. Meanwhile, Magneton finally began to float away, going over and accessing the terminal.

Thank you. Now, can anyone destroy this machine?

"Allow me. Arcanine, Flamethrower!"

Arcanine's red-hot breath suddenly melted the generator down to its very core, the coils beginning to unwind as the heat caused it to split apart at the seams. The magnetic field from the place disappeared, and the Magnemites and Magnetons were no longer held to the place. They were truly free.

Thank you. For your guidance. We truly couldn't have done it without you. I would say we'll all be leaving, but I think one may want to stay behind.

Magneton looked at the Pokemon carefully cradled in Lucas' arms, and Lucas smiled. He got a Pokeball from his backpack, and then pressed it against the little guy's head.

"Welcome to the team, little buddy."

Magneton and the others said their goodbyes, then floated up in the hole in the roof from where they had first been attracted to the generator. Somehow, now, everything felt whole again. The Pokemon were free. The threat was averted. But, now, it was down to what to do with Jerry and Hugo.

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