Chapter 95: A Battle of Two Souls!

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"Help me up!", Lucas called out as Seijo extended a hand down the cliff, helping Lucas up the cliff, steadying himself just at the edge to make sure he didn't fall back down. He took a deep breath and shook his head, getting an impression of his surroundings around him. But, he was mostly focused on a singular thing that fell right in front of him. The Weather Institute.

"There it is!", Ellie said, looking at the building with sparks in her eyes. "I've heard so much about it from Mom and Dad."

"Wow, a place that tracks weather. How interesting.", Harry said sarcastically, before receiving a scolding glare from Ellie. Seijo rolled his eyes as he gestured for them to keep going. Lucas looked around at the rest of the forest, finding a bunch of equipment set up in various spots outside of the Weather Institute to try and track the wildlife and environment of the Route. He could see many cameras setup on the trees, or on each corner of the Weather Insitute. There was a bunch of lightning rods scattered amongst the trees and greenery, which looked to be powering the Weather Insitute alone. Or, at least, making a good effort to power the entire thing.

A queue of people stood right in front of the Weather Institute, seemingly to get a tour around the place. Ellie had heard they gave tours around, and was eager to learn more about how the place operated.

"So, is everyone up for a tour?", Ellie asked, looking around at the group.

"I'd love to!", chirped Lucas as he stretched his limbs. Harry shrugged his shoulders and said, "Sure, could be interesting."

"Seems unanimous. Let's get going then.", Seijo chimed in, the group following after him and queuing up. Slowly, the queue began to die down, until the group was at the forefront.

"Four for the tour please.", Seijo said, quickly paying and receiving four lanyards, dyed the coloured white, navy, light blue and red, with some weather patterns engraved into the different colours, each representing a different pattern or weather. The light blue was complimented with heaps of snow and snowflakes falling down. The navy part displayed what appeared to be the sea, white bubbles rising to the surface of the waves that crashed in a unison pattern. The red showed a bubbling volcano, frothing with molten lava, an orange tint falling over the sunset just above the peak of the hill. Then, finally, there was a relatively plain white part, decorated with a bunch of fluffy clouds, blotting out the sun's bright glow. It was a pretty lanyard design, and you could most certainly tell that it was a lanyard made for the Weather Institute.

The four were finally put into a tour group and welcomed around the entire faculty. They showed almost everything that the Weather Institute had to offer. The revolutionary new technology that could allow them to track the weather closely, predicting weather extremely accurately weeks or even months in advance. There was a supercomputer that seemed to track various rare species of Pokémon all across Hoenn and the entirety of the world. All across Hoenn, various rare or endangered species of Pokémon appeared seemingly out of thin air. Lucas even spotted a Torchic close to the Weather Institute, although it soon disappeared off of the radar. Then, the tour guide showed off the newest piece of technology that the Weather Institute had been working to perfect.

The group ascended to the top floor of the building, where they saw a great satellite-like machine sitting behind a glass casing. It had a great entanglement of wires running from all sides and through the walls. Just above it sat a glass-paned ceiling, translucent enough to see the weather outside. The tour guide went to a terminal to the side of the machine, letting the glass-paned roof slowly fold away.

"This is the Weather Institute's latest piece of engineering work! The Weather Manipulator! Through the power of this satellite, it can disturb and entirely change certain weather patterns in Hoenn. It can make huge rain clouds fall over a dry desert, or entirely stop a drought! The technology has not been perfected yet, and we still don't know the full extent of what manually changing the weather may cause for weather patterns. But, the good it could do cannot be understated."

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