Chapter 38: Tour of the Falls!

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Far over the horizon, Meteor Falls stood, towering over the rest of the routes and buildings all around. The site that had once been a home for the ancient people of Hoenn and a meteor shower that struck the region long ago. Home of many different priceless artifacts, Meteorites, Star Pieces, and Elemental Stones. That was the reason that many people ended up arriving at Meteor Falls, to gaze upon the glistening rocks or for the chance of finding a piece for themselves. Or, learn about the history that made the falls.

That was also the reason that the group of Lucas, Ellie and Seijo found themselves standing in front of the colossal ancient structure. It had been a couple of hours of walking through the plains, so finding themselves somewhere other than the dense tall grass was a treat. Lucas looked around the place and found a tour guide helping some people around the exterior of the place.

"Hey, that looks like fun. Maybe we could do that for a bit?', Lucas suggested, as Ellie looked at her phone. She glanced up and said,

"Sure, I'd be okay with that. We'll just have to find a place to get tickets."

Lucas began to look around for some sort of place where they might be selling them. Lucas ran inside the place and looked around for a second, taking in the view of the entire falls just from here. Cascading waterfalls dripped down into pools of water below. Pokemon swam in the pools around at the plenty, so much so that some were even fishing in the small pools of water. There were Pokemon cries coming from deep inside some of the caves, being unfamiliar to any of them, but still piquing Lucas' interest. He was about to go to explore further when a call from behind,

"Oh, there's the ticket booth.", Seijo said as he pointed over towards a small booth manned by one person across the other side of a pool of water. They crossed over through the bridge and had to queue for their chance at tickets., But, it was easily done and they soon got one each and waited for the tour guide to arrive back from their helping of the other groups.

Eventually, the tour guide did return with a smile on her face and began giving them a tour of the entire place. She clearly knew the place like the back of her hand, finding many things to talk about in the place. The deep history, of how the Draconids used to worship Rayquaza here in times when Groudon and Kyogre ravaged the Earth. They even showed a few of the murals that were painted by the Draconid people long ago. They foretold that a meteor would land on Hoenn from space, which was then defeated by Rayquaza. There also remained a mural of the place known as Sky Pillar crumbling to pieces.

"That one has not yet happened. It may be of natural events that it happens, perhaps of something made of man. Who knows?", she questioned. It was interesting to think about, and the picture of the great structure completely crumbling to pieces brought a strange amount of dread to Lucas. Like, something you've built up for a long time, just to crumble away in an instant.

"Lucas?", Ellie asked as she tapped him on the shoulder, suddenly awaking Lucas from his train of thought, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just...thinking."

"Well, the rest of the group has left already, so we better catch up.", Ellie said. Lucas looked around to find that there were no others around. They rushed down the darkened cave illuminated by some faint lanterns above, then came in front of a giant waterfall separating one room from another. Then, the waterfall suddenly stopped flowing and they could see what was in the room.

They found that in the room, there was a small meteorite encased in a bed of steel and blast-proof glass for security. It illuminated the room by itself, glowing with energy that shone brightly throughout the cavern. It looked valuable, it must've been to justify the added amounts of security to protect the meteorite. The tour guide then walked to the glass and explained,

"Now, this is a Meteorite that crashed down just recently from space. Encased in it is an energy that is still being determined, but whatever is actually encased in the meteorite, it is certainly powerful."

The tour guide then allowed all the people on the tour to get a good gaze at the rock. Lucas took a few paces back from the crowd to get a better view of the meteorite, but then stumbled over a rock in the corner. Lucas looked to whatever had tripped him up and found that it was a stone that was emitting a small glow. Lucas picked it up and felt some strange energy throughout the stone.

"This has to be valuable.", Lucas thought as he placed the stone in his bag, and then zipped it up. Then, he found the group leaving the area with a few taking some last pictures before making their way up the cavern. Lucas quickly followed, standing side by side with Ellie as they walked up the cavern. It was a steep climb, as it didn't have any stairs that were easily accessible. Instead, it was like a steep ramp to climb up. Then, they came across a smoothed-out piece of ground and exited out of the cavern to the end of the tour.

The end of the tour landed them right on a view of the entirety of the falls, letting anyone look down on it. Lucas spotted some people beginning to walk through the door, a few fishers reeling up some Pokemon from the small pools and rivers of water and a few Zubat above hiding in the darkness. Lucas looked left and right around the place, looking for any other people. And, he found a couple looking around the corner at another exit of Meteor Falls. Except, something was off about them.

One of them spoke through an earpiece as if gathering information about the area around. Then, their outfits. Lucas' eyes wandered to their torso, where he found the S.

"Oh no.", he thought as suddenly, a rumbling went off throughout the entirety of Meteor Falls. Ellie almost fell over as the cavern started to blow, with the steep ramp entrance caving in completely.

"It's Team Storm!"


Hey everyone, a bit of a shorter chapter than usual. But, it's more so set up for the future and the next couple of chapters, with the whole Team Storm Raid. It should be coming out next week, so please look forward to that. And, I hope to see you in the next chapter. Bye :)

Weathering The Storm... (A Pokemon OC Story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora