Chapter Thirteen: Two Can Play at That Game!

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The day was calm, with most people being asleep at the time of the Normal Gym Leader's entrance into the gym. He looked around the gym reception area, always stopping to appreciate how he'd managed to somehow get a position like this, as one of the strongest trainers in the region and the Normal Gym Leader. Seijo walked up to the desk, pressing the power button on his PC, and waiting for the almost primitive computer to load the spreadsheet of all the battles that he had marked today.

The PC was so slow that it took almost 3 minutes to load the spreadsheet, but Seijo didn't mind that it took a while. The gym hadn't changed since he was given the gym by Norman some years ago, and Seijo intended to keep it that way, even if it did annoy him at times. The schedule loaded up and he found that, just like yesterday, it had been quite a slow day for the most part. A couple of battles during the midday, one later at night, but he found that he would have most of the day to train his Pokemon. But, his thought was stopped by the doors opening up, and he wondered who would be coming to this gym so early. Then, the duo came into view, and Seijo smiled.

"So, you've come for a rematch I assume!" Seijo said as Ellie walked through the doors, a grin on her face and with Mudkip by her side. Then, behind, Lucas walked drowsily alongside Ellie, almost half asleep and only there because Ellie basically dragged him there. Seijo looked at both of them, and departed into the gym room, calling behind him,

"I'll be waiting for you."

The door shut behind him, and Ellie didn't waste any time in approaching the other set of double doors, pushing the door open for both Lucas and her to pass through. Seijo was standing at the other side of the battlefield, a compressed Pokeball in his hand, and a smile on his face. Ellie took her place at the other end of the battlefield and Seijo called out,

"Same rules as last time. I trust that you still remember them?"

"Of course, and now, all that's left to do is battle."

"Then throw out your Pokemon, Ellie."

Ellie dropped her bag to the side, kicking it into one of the wooden pillars after reaching Ralts' Pokeball. Both trainers grasped their Pokeballs and threw them out in unison.

"Ralts, let's show them what we can do!"

"Taillow, time for battle!"

The two Pokemon escaped from their Pokeballs and immediately stared down at each other, trying to intimidate each other before the battle had started. But, it just created a still feeling between everyone in the room, which was eventually broken by Ellie's shout.

"Let's start with Disarming Voice!"

Ralts cleared its throat and let out a harmony that was much stronger in volume than in the battle against Zorua. Lucas had known that the two had done some training at night, but was surprised at the rate they improved in just one night. The white circle of song swirled as it moved towards Taillow at rapid speed. Seijo yelled out,

"Dodge the attack, quickly!"

Taillow dived under the attack with great speed, being much more agile than the last battle, and started diving in on Ralts. Ellie had counted on Taillow rushing in and had a plan to avoid the attack.

"Use Confusion!"

Ralts concentrated its psychic power on Taillow and made Taillow's eyesight spin in circles, the bird becoming instantly dizzy and rearing off into the side of the arena. It bounced off of the barrier, its brain left completely frazzled by both the confusion, and the contact with the barrier. Ellie smiled and was left with a clear shot on Taillow, helped by its Confusion.


Ralts stopped the confusion and fiddled with its hands as it poofed into mist, and appeared behind Taillow.

Weathering The Storm... (A Pokemon OC Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon