Chapter 79: Meeting with the Mastermind...

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"Yes ma'am!", Alex yelled, returning a few of his Pokemon back to their Pokeballs and then grabbing Ellie by the arm. Ellie used what she could of her strength to get up. Alex dragged her by the arm out of the room, with Ellie barely being able to comprehend what was happening around her. It was a mess of light, clashing colours. Some colours of reality, some of a hallucination from her mind. She could tell she was moving though, away from danger. At least, that is what she hoped. It's what they both hoped.

Alex went away from the grunts who had almost captured them, hoping that the other path would be more safe. It was extremely wishful thinking and Alex absolutely knew it, but he knew he'd need a miracle to help him make it out, while keeping Ellie safe. Just looking at her, she seemed to be growing weaker by the second. Her chest heaved as she continued to spew up the poison. Yet despite it, she showed incredible resolve. She kept moving forwards, as if nothing was happening. It was admirable for Alex, to see someone so weak physically yet still so strong mentally. Eventually, they reached a staircase leading upwards. Alex looked around, trying to get a clue of where it would lead them. But, one thing was for certain. He heard murmurings of grunts from down the corridor to the left of the stairs. They sounded like they were moving as well. He tugged at Ellie slightly and they quietly made their way up the stairs. Ellie fell off balance many times as she climbed up the stairs, but was supported by Alex at every step.

They reached the final flight of stairs, where Alex looked around for an empty room to rest in for a little bit and get their bearings on everything. Luckily, a corridor to the right seemed to have exactly what they needed. Alex and Ellie, to a lesser extent, crept across the corridor, almost hugging the wall trying to remain undetected. Then, Alex pushed the door, the door creaking slightly as it slowly opened. They both snuck inside, while Alex flicked on a small light near to the entrance. Alex shut the door behind them, while Ellie just about managed to find a wall to rest against. She slumped against the wall, exhaling for a second, trying her best to catch her breath. But, whenever she felt she had caught her breath, she coughed it back up again, in that awful poison gas. Alex sat next to her, searching in his bag for some supplies. He took out the Pokemon that he had remaining from the onslaught before. His Poliwhirl, Kadabra, Machoke and Haunter were all out for the count, that is all he knew for sure. He released all the other Pokemon he had on him, finding Gible slightly injured, and Graveller, Electabuzz and Feebas all at perfect health. Although, he didn't leave Feebas out for long, as it just flopped around, desperate for water. So, he was left with a significant chunk of his team completely out of it. And, one of them had only been a member of his team for a couple of days. Things were looking bleak, even more so, as Ellie began to splutter even more by his side. He quickly dived into his bag, taking out a water bottle and handing it to her.

Within only a few seconds, the contents were completely gone. But, she did feel better after it. Still, not enough to that she could talk. So, she decided to do the next best thing. She wrote. She brought out her notebook, and wrote in it.

Plan going forwards?

"Uh, get you out of here without a fight. You don't have any unfinished business here, do you?"

I just want to know more about Team Storm in general. Why they do what they do. But, I just want to feel better first.

Right on cue, Ellie began coughing again, then stopped suddenly, resting against the wall again. Then, she slowly began to crawl to her feet, wavering at times but managing just barely to get up again. She leaned against the wall defiantly, and stood up without the need of Alex's support, only for a second. Alex smiled and said,

"You have a lot of guts, you know that?"

Ellie couldn't say anything else, so she just mouthed back 'thanks'. Alex got up from the floor as well, picking up the notebook and pen. He handed it to Ellie, then took a look around the door, seeing if there were any grunts nearby. But, it seemed like the coast was clear. He grabbed Ellie by the arm and they quickly began to run out, throwing caution to the wind, desperately hoping that somewhere would point them to the exit. Left, Right, Right, Left. They didn't know where they were going at all, and it mattered little. Just as long as they were somewhere safe. Then, as they took another right, a locked door stood in their way. Except, this was a different door. Labelled to the side of it, read 'Leader's Office'. Both of them knew instantly. If they wanted answers, that's where they'd have to find it. Alex looked to Ellie, who looked weaker by the second. But, that flare in her eyes still remained. She yearned for answers to the madness. Why did they want New Mauville's generator? Why were they stealing Pokemon? What was their greater plan?

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