Chapter 47: Mt Chimney...

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The cable car rattled as the four got into the cable car, Ellie taking her seat quickly alongside Seijo, while Lucas looked with wonder outside the window at the daunting mountain standing just out of reach until Harry brought him down onto his seat with a tug of his arm. The cable car started to move steadily uphill, rocking slightly as it made its way up the treacherous terrain. Lucas looked out of the window again at the rocky surface, and then the thought of why they were going up there scratched his brain a little. He turned around to Ellie, who seemed to be fidgeting with her hands to avoid the thought of how high they were.

"So, why are we going up here again?", Lucas asked.

"It was the site of a Team Magma raid a while ago, and it's supposed to have some information on that."

"Plus, you can get to Lavaridge from here, which means we can challenge the gym quicker.", Harry added as the cable car shook finally, as the car came to an end and they stepped out onto the giant peak. The orange dusty surface scattered into the air as the wind blew, and the group took a look over the entirety of the Hoenn region from one of the highest peaks of the entire region. They could see pockets of land dotted all across the land. Lavaridge was the closest place to the mountain, being clearly visible from the peak, with the relatively large gym being easily spotted, but it was noticeably hollow of any sort of people.

There was the desert route, mixed in with the grassy horizon that they had not yet seen much of, after being in the desert for what felt like ages. But, to just look over the place that they called home, take in the sights, the glistening water, amazing terrain. It made Lucas thankful to be standing upon this mountain, to look over the home that he had grown up in, but never truly explored up until now. It just made the future seem even brighter. Harry looked at Lucas and said,

"Hey, nice view, isn't it?"

"Amazing. To be able to see it, in all of its glory."

"Well, we can't be staring too long. We still got some things to do, and it seems that Ellie's itching to get a move on and learn a bit more about this place."

Lucas turned around to find Ellie, while enjoying the amazing view, fidgeting slightly and clearly wanting to move on to other things. And so, they did. They turned around from the view and found themselves traversing through the mountainous terrain. They went along the path designated for travellers, stopping to read the occasional board that popped up that gave detail on what was on the mountain.

Some talked about the history of the volcanic structure, and how its highly volatile nature meant that in earlier times, it was avoided like the plague by the Hoenn citizens. Another one talked about how Groudon was originally encased in here by the Draconid people with the help of Rayquaza and sealed away with the Red Orb to hopefully never resurface again and terrorise Hoenn as it did for so many years in the past before being defeated by Rayquaza.

The penultimate board, right next to the bubbling surface of the volcano, stated how a meteorite was taken to the peak of Mt Chimney by Team Magma, who attempted to fashion a Red Orb out of the meteorite from outer space. However, it mentions how their plans were ultimately stopped through the combined force of May and Brendan. Ellie smiled brightly as she read over the plaque, taking a small sense of pride in having been raised by the two who helped save the world from destruction.

Then, the group observed the lava bubbling to the surface from volcanos. The lava bubbles popped and spit lava along the rocky walls of the cavern, emblazing them with burn marks and eroding the land around. However, the lava was said to be stable after Groudon retreated there again after its awakening again at the hands of Team Magma. A close-by board talked about the event again, where Groudon awake from its slumber to terrorise the nation again. But, was promptly taken down by Rayquaza and a trio of trainers. Ellie looked down on the bubbling lava, then dragged Lucas to the side after reading the sign, asking,

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