Chapter 88: An Adventure Adrift!

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The door split wide open as Ellie stepped out, stretching her limbs and throwing Marshtomp's Pokeball into the air, spilling open onto the floor. She petted the Water type gently on the head. They had a long day of training ahead of them, after all. Lucas wanted some practice after what happened in his match vs Brawly, and Seijo and Ellie were more than happy to offer to help him. After all, it wouldn't be just good practice for him, it would be for the two of them as well. Usually, Lucas would be the first to wake up when the day broke, but he also had a habit of sleeping in at the most inconvenient times. She tapped on the door just opposite her room, hoping to hear a click and then immediately get going. But, she was met with silence.

"Lucas? Are you still asleep?", she asked, tapping on the door again to no response. She sighed and knocked as loudly as she could on the door. No amount of sleep could block off this amount of noise. But, yet again, she was met with complete silence. It was beginning to annoy her now. She knew that Lucas would get down quite easily after losing a battle, but she thought they'd at least made it past the point of completely ignoring her. She shook the door handle, and to her surprise, the door clicked and flew open. He'd left it...unlocked?

Ellie shifted the door open, the light from outside the door seeping in and illuminating the darkened room. The entirety of the room was pitch black, sealed by the drawn blinds and curtains, letting no light pass through. The bed was spotless as well, with no sign that Lucas had even slept in it. In fact, there was no sign of humanity at all. Ellie flickered on the light but found no sign of life even in the light. It was exactly as it would've been had Lucas not even existed. Ellie searched desperately through the room, talking to herself,

"If this is a joke, it's not that funny. Come out already!", she shouted, searching under his bed, through the many drawers. But, her search came up completely, "Lucas, where did you go?"


The light crashing of waves. The creaking of the worn floor. Then, the blinding light of the sun. They all hit Lucas at the same time as he began to wake up. Then, a soaring pain in his head suddenly struck him. He screamed, and then as quickly as it appeared, the pain subsided. Lucas clutched at his head, where it was sore. There, he felt something more comfortable than his skin and hair. It felt something akin to a bandage, but unlike any bandage that he'd ever been given from any Pokemon Centre. It felt almost like string, wrapped around his head to nurse whatever wound lay underneath. Lucas knew it was a wound, the pain told him as much. Slowly, Lucas raised his head from the wettened floor, steadying himself by placing his arms to his side. Then, as his vision began to clear up, he spotted some Pokemon standing in front of him. It took a lot of concentration, but it eventually was recognizable.

One was a Surskit, skating gently against the surface of the water just outside of wherever Lucas was. One beckoned loudly from a height, causing Lucas to look up. Blotting out part of the sun, stood a proud Wingull, which spread its wings as it began its slow descent down towards Lucas, pecking him playfully in the stomach before flying back up onto a shard of concrete, left by the decay of the slowly crumbling building. Swimming just beside Surskit was a Tentacool, just barely looking past the water, keeping most of its body concealed and its eyes sharp, scanning and surveying the area while looking at Lucas with suspicion. Then, finally, there was a Pokemon that Lucas had yet to encounter, yet knew the name of. A Corphish. He went to reach into his pocket to pull out his phone to scan the Pokemon, only to find there was no phone. Nor was there any backpack. Lucas frantically searched his pockets, but his searches came up empty. No Pokemon, either.

In desperation, he took to his feet, feeling a soaring pain in his knee that dropped him to one knee almost immediately. Corphish rushed forward, jumping on the spot and crying, telling Lucas to stop. But, he waved off their concerns, standing anyway and fully taking in his surroundings. His first thoughts. What in Arceus' name happened to the place? It was almost completely destroyed, and it was nothing short of a miracle that Lucas could even manage to balance, considering how slanted the room was. Half of the room was submerged in the ocean, and the other half was so decayed that it had about as much use on land as it did submerged in the ocean. A flickering light bulb sat just above Lucas' head, as well as an overturned office chair, bare of any sort of padding or means of offering comfort. There was a worn desk that was bolted to the wall, the screws still managing to keep it upright after all these years. Lucas moved over, inspecting its surface, as well as the drawers underneath the desk. Lucas scavenged through the drawer, finding a torn photo, as well as a sheet of music.

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