Chapter 83: Dude, We're Getting The Band Back Together!

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A faint buzzing drummed from the side of Ellie's desk. Slowly but surely, Ellie climbed along her bed, slamming her phone against the desk to get it to shut up. But, she hadn't remembered setting an alarm. Ellie stretched and rubbed her eyes before picking up the phone again, the blue light shining harshly in her eyes.

Be there in 15 minutes.

"That isn't ominous at all.", Ellie thought as she read over Lucas' texts again. But, she didn't pay it much mind at all. Lucas did send the occasional blunt message. It just meant that he was in a rush. He probably was out helping Zoroark with its camp again. He'd been doing that a while since he had almost nothing else to do. Plus, it was great strength training for his Pokemon. Ellie tagged along occasionally as well to help, and train her Pokemon to handle the strength of lifting those mounds of dirt. Even if she got her clothes mucked up, or she was so exhausted she could've fallen asleep on the grass right behind her, she still had a blast spending time there. It made her think of the adventure that they'd left behind for a month. Even a month was enough to make her miss it desperately. But, with Seijo reclaiming his title as Gym Leader, there wasn't much they could do in terms of going on their adventure again. Especially now that Brendan and May were much more cautious to keep Ellie out of danger. Ellie sighed, getting up from her bed and going about her morning routine. In about 10 minutes, she was dressed and eating breakfast slowly downstairs, deep in thought. Just silently eating a toaster waffle. Until the doorbell rang, which Ellie quickly threw open. Lucas appeared at the door, breathing heavily. Ellie smiled and said,

"Maybe go a little easy with the running."

"Yeah, I probably should.", Lucas responded, slowly walking into the lab and collapsing into a seat next to a computer, meanwhile Ellie took her seat at the table again, continuing to eat away at her waffle.

"So, why'd you call?"

"Wanna see Seijo again?"

"Uh yeah, sure. Why specifically?"

"I wanna restart our journey again. But, we're gonna need Seijo along with us as well."


"So, you're on board, just like that?"

"What, did you expect me to say no?"

"Good point. Let's get going.", Lucas said as he suddenly stood up from the chair.

Ellie threw her plate into the dishwasher, scribbled out a small note that she left on the table for May and Brendan, then together they grabbed their stuff, Ellie's duffel bag and Lucas' backpack, and headed outside. Ellie looked around, expecting to see Maya there with her Altaria. But, they found nothing. Just Lucas and her standing in front of the lab. Ellie looked puzzled at first and Lucas asked,

"You look lost?"

"I just thought someone would be taking us there."

"Oh, well we don't have anyone on hand to help us. Plus, travelling to Petalburg will get us back into the swing of journeying! Doesn't that sound great?"

"I suppose so. Good thing I didn't depack all my adventuring kit."

"Sweet! Let's get going then, come on!", Lucas exclaimed proudly, grabbing Ellie by the hand and leading her through Littleroot straight into the plains of Route 1. From there, they battled every single trainer they could find, big or small, strong or weak. Whatever they could find, they had a battle. They ended up having a lot of double battles as well, finding more duos. Despite the amount of battles they face, however, none of the duos stood a chance against Ellie and Lucas. Even with their secondary Pokemon and weird combinations that they had yet to practice, their chemistry pulled through. Lucas blew through with force and made moves to pressure his opponents into making moves, while Ellie hung back and threw out moves to try and create space between her and her opponent. They worked well, and none of the duos could stand a chance against them. The night hung around just as Ellie finished up another battle with a youngster, fighting off their Zigzagoon with a powerful Water Pulse. Ellie shook the boy's hand and he was on his way. Lucas walked onto the makeshift battlefield and asked,

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